Fay (31 May 2024)
"Israel Alone? Never!"


Hi John and Doves,


Another excellent article in the link by Caroline Glick. What Caroline has laid out is the obvious fact that the Biden bandits have, to all intents and purposes, abandoned Israel and are openly siding with Hamas. This becomes abundantly clear when reading this article. There is no possible way to misinterpret the actions of the Biden administration. And Israel knows it. Netanyahu knows it. To add to the thick, evil mess, the vote taken at the UNGA on Friday May 10th, to hand 'Palestine' special rights, simply put the cherry on the cake. 


Well, Doves - we have now entered the territory of Almighty God's soon explosion of wrath. The recent actions of the Biden administration against Israel and the inexplicable actions of the United Nations, have flung the door to dividing Israel, wide open. Israel will now be forced to engage in a perilous war to fight for it's very survival.  We have always been led to believe that the devil and his minions know scripture and prophecy. I seriously doubt that now. If they did - they would know that they are signing their own death warrants! They seem oblivious to the consequences of their actions.


This whole debacle has now changed the dynamics. Almighty God is about to step in. Our beloved Messiah Jesus is about to return. Israel is most certainly NOT ALONE.


Biden ends the US-Israel alliance at a fortuitous moment - JNS.org


PS - The figures and stats of American's who support Israel are stunning. 80% of the American people support Israel (per Caroline's article). That's something you won't read or hear in the revolting mainstream media!


Please come, LORD Jesus.