Fay (31 May 2024)
"For Gino and Doves"


Hi Gino, John and Doves,


I believe you will find the article in the link very interesting.  According to the details, Russell Brand was baptised by an evangelical branch of the Anglican church. His good pal, Bear Grylls, was beside him for the baptism. Bear Grylls is a long time evangelical believer. Russell Brand has even undertaken Alpha courses which teach on evangelical Christian belief. I am not claiming that this proves Russell's baptism is sincere - he still says and does things that contradict scripture. Perhaps this is because he is still a baby Christian. We shall see! In the 2nd link is an article by Geoffrey Grider over at Now the End Begins. Geoffrey put forth this misleading story about Brand's baptism. He claims Brand was baptised by the Roman Catholic church. This is NOT true.


Inside Russell Brand's friendship with Bear Grylls: How scandal-hit comic met ex-SAS trooper on his Running Wild show - and invited the 'poster boy' for evangelical Christianity to take part in his Thames baptism | Daily Mail Online


Russell Brand Was 'Baptized' Into The Roman Catholic Church, It Was Not The Believers Baptism Of Romans 6 According To The Scriptures, Pray For His Salvation • Now The End Begins


I pray that Russell Brand's baptism was done out of heartfelt sincerity. Surely even Russell would think long and hard about taking the LORD's Name in vain by pretending to be saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit. If it's all a lie to mislead his followers on YT and Rumble etc., the consequences will be awful.


Please come, LORD Jesus.