Fay (31 May 2024)
"It Appears to be all Smoke and Mirrors"


Hi John and Doves,


Well, well. The Pentagon has admitted that the USA shares an airbase in Niger with the Russians. The question asked  - Is the whole war in Ukraine just theatre for the money laundering operation that's going on? It must be, in my opinion, because the entire war is a fiasco. Insanity on steroids. Remember how Russia and America divided up Europe between themselves, post world war 2? The UK was completely side lined and this marked the end of the mighty British Empire. Methinks there is much murk to uncover. If Russia and America can peacefully share an airbase in close proximity with each other, they are NOT mortal enemies. OR - perhaps they are now openly about to begin fighting over Niger? Maniacs - all of them!


Russians sent to Niger airbase occupied by US troops - BBC News