David E (31 May 2024)
"Share with Doves"

Satan = 55 and Barack Hussein Obama = 163 English Ordinal
55 first occurs in pi at position 130
The 130th prime is 733
733+55 = 887 backward
Judas Iscariot = 887 when, Barack Hussein Obama = 793, and Barry Soetoro =1458. Counting 793 to 1458 = 666
887-163 = 724
Obama was born at 7:24 pm.
163 first occurs within pi at position 1410
The 1410th prime is 11,777
11+777= 887 backward
Since 7:24 pm is 1924 hours
1+924 = 529 backward
5 29 is day 149
Judas Iscariot = 149 when Barack Hussein Obama = 163 and Satan = 55.
14 9 is day 257, the 55th prime
257 first occurs in pi at  position 1006
The 1006th prime is 7963
7963+257 = 8220
8+220 = 228, but 8 22 is day 234 and 22 8 is day 234. 234+432 = 666.
Day 216, 6*6*6 + 6+6+6 = day 234, 22 8
United States of America = 228
Day 228, 137 days remain
Washington DC = 137
137 first occurs at position 859
859 is the 149th prime!
The 859th prime is 6661
6661+859 = 7520
7+520 = 725 backward
7 25 is also 25 7
7:25 pm is Obama's first full minute on Earth
7:25 pm is 1925 hours
1776 + 149 (Judas Iscariot) = 1925
Barry, aka Barack, was born on day 216, 6 12 backward, and 6 12 is day 163
216+612 = 828
Counting 666 to 828 = 163
8:28 pm is 2028 hours
Hell = 37 Paradise = 73
157 and 367, the 37th and 73rd primes
157+367 = 163+361
157*37 = 1924+1961+1924
Barack was born 1924 hours, day 216, in 1961
5809 reversed and flipped = 6085
6085 is his street address number on his BC
His BC file number is 151
Jesus Christ = 151
God * Jesus = 1924
His BC number is 6,110,641
Or 146,011,6 backward
146+011+6 = 163
Beast + 1961 = 2008 election
1776 + 185 = 1961, day 185 is 7 4
163 is the 38th prime
Death = 38
Thirty-eight  =149
Beast = 47
Forty-seven = 149
Revelation 13 18, verse 175, from the end
sums to 1924 in reverse
17 5 is day 137
Washington DC = 137
Genesis 25 7 is verse 666
The subject is the number 175
13:18 is 234
Day 234 is 22 8
Day 137, 228 days remain
137+228 = 73+73+73+73+73
Independence Day is day 37+37+37+37+37
60+60+60 days remain
Day 216, 6*6*6, and Judas Iscariot remains (149)
14 9 is day 257 the Satan's prime, (55)
Tik Tok = 86
8 6 in 2028 is day 73+73+73

And when Judas Iscariot = 887, Tik Tok = 509

509 =

Barack Hussein Obama= 163
Barack Hussein Obama II= 165
Barack Hussein Obama ii =181
