Chance (31 May 2024)
"Gino: How, after 15 times does the meaning change at the end?"

Hello Gino,
It seems that many of us try to fit the prophecies into what we see today.  Maybe that's not the way to look at the book of Revelation.  During The Tribulation much of the world as we know it will be destroyed - that includes countries, their armies, maybe even whole continents, ??
Take for example, the U.S.:
I remember Watchwoman 65 saying a week or so ago that the Antichrist won't be dealing with the U.S. - because it won't be around then.  Highly probable.  Yet, many believe the U.S. will be getting the mark, and people will be beheaded here during the Tribulation, and the AC will control the U.S..  Hmmmm.
I will say - The Revelation was written about the Middle East.  The Antichrist's kingdom is set up in Israel.  No one is sure where the U.S. is in prophecy. 
So, to make it simple - maybe the U.S. ISN'T around then. We're nuked or Yellowstone wipes us out, or an EMP finishes us off.
For all we know - China, NK, Vietnam will be nuked to oblivion before the Euphrates river dries up.
So, again, to make it simple - the kings of the east are east of Israel AND east of the Euphrates River.  Who would cross up a dried up Euphrates River then??  Iran, half of Iraq, part of Turkey, the 'Armenia, Azerbaijan area', maybe the -stan countries....
Also, I've read that the 'kings of the east' are to bring judgment on the AC - so they are on the side of God.  And that these are the armies of Rev 19:11 - they come with Jesus on His white horse to "judge and make war."  But this begs the question - why would Jesus and His armies need the Euphrates River to be dried up?  Hmmm.  I'd say they wouldn't.   They may respond with 'drying up of the Euphrates River is symbolic, not literal.
Revelation 16:12 Commentaries: The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east.
My thoughts (for now) are that the 'kings of the east' are leaders of hordes of people who are sick of the AC and his rule.  They cross over a dried up Euphrates River.  And they are the ones I list above.  Just my guess.
How, after 15 times does the meaning change at the end?

This is something I've wondered about for a long time.
Thanks for the question, Gino!