Chance (31 May 2024)
"Bruce Kessler "Gary Stearman:  The Pentecost Prophecy" Letter"

Hello Bruce and Doves,
Last week, Bruce, linked up this youtube in his letter "Teaching on the Pentecost Rapture" - very timely for this upcoming Feast of the Lord.
This is an excellent introduction to "Pentecost as a type of the rapture":

Gary Stearman: The Pentecost Prophecy - YouTube
run time 28:30
I remember watching this video years ago.  It's excellent.
For many years now, Gary Stearman has written articles about a Pentecost rapture for his "Prophecy Watchers" magazine - right before Pentecost.  And every year he adds more and more interesting findings/information for Pentecost - pointing to this day as a really good possibility for the Rapture.  His information is indeed, very compelling!
This year's 2024 article is titled "The Annual Pentecost Watch" - Gary is definitely a Watchman for this day!
Thanks for posting this teaching by Gary, Bruce!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!