Chance (31 May 2024)
"John Tng - Praise The Lord!!"

Hello John and Doves,
Lots and lots of thanks be to the Lord!! for getting John through his surgery and getting him back home!
We certainly were praying unceasingly and in great numbers through out the days and nights that the Lord would take care of and heal John so he can "run the last lap of the race with us" as he hoped.  God has answered our prayers with grace and mercy and healing!
I can't imaging not having John and Doves up to the very end - right up to the day of the Rapture!  We've been together for soooo long!
John - Prayers continuing for an excellent and total recovery.  Prayers for no complications with follow-up testing and doctor's visits.  Praying for a complete healing.
Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace!
May the Lord bless you and keep you, John!
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."  Hebrew 4:16
"The Lord is almost here!"

Thank you for your fervent prayers, Chance! The LORD has been very good to me!