Chance (31 May 2024)
"The Next Pandemic?  Bird Flu/H5N1"

Hello John and Doves,
They already have the mRAN "vaccines" ready for bird flu.  And they are finding H5N1 in cows, cats, alpacas and two dairy workers - so far.  Lots of up to date info on this and more below.
Two non-mRNA Vaccines Are Ready:
"The U.S. has two vaccines ready should the strain of bird flu circulating in dairy cows begin spreading easily to people, federal health officials said Wednesday.  They could begin shipping doses widely within weeks, if needed." And they admit that there is no way they can test these vaccines on humans because there are just too few cases available.
"So far, there's no evidence that H5N1 is spreading person-to-person, although one dairy worked in Texas...had a mild infection and developed...pinkeye, in April." (see the description of this 'pinkeye' later in this letter.)
"Both of the vaccine candidates are already in the nation's stockpile in limited quantities, officials said in a previous interview....there are hundreds of thousands of prefilled syringes and vials ready to ship..."
"There are no signs the virus is mutating to be more transmissible between people..." but they are ready with "vaccines".
"The people needing vaccination - and the number of doses that the U.S. would require - would hinge on how the virus changes and how widespread the outbreak becomes, experts say."
The federal government "...could have over 100 million doses shipped within three to four months.  Health officials expect that people will need two doses of that vaccines...meaning 100 million doses is only enough for 50 million people...But it could produce more, if needed.."
"...the U.S. is also pursuing a third vaccine based on the same mRNA-technology used in Pfizer's and Moderna's Covid mRNA vaccine could be quicker to manufacture because "you can switch in and switch out the genetic sequencing very easily."
"All three vaccines would also need approval from the Food and Drug Administration before they can be distributed across the U.s."
Because of "vaccine skepticism" and "vaccine fatigue" caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, "the government would also likely need to begin a vaccine campaign to persuade people to get vaccinated."
Two possible bird flu vaccines could be available within weeks, if needed
Right now, they are admitting that there is no human data on effectiveness of these vaccines because "the number of human cases of H5N1 is too low for studies."  And they are monitoring some 350 dairy farm workers for symptoms or signs of infection.  The above article is dated May 1, 2024 - and to date, May 28 - almost a month later - nothing in the news about these dairy workers getting sick with bird flu.  There have been two people infected with H5N1 and had 'conjunctivitis' and both have recovered completely.
A second dairy worker tested positive in May - in the state of Michigan this time.

"An Experimental mRNA Vaccine Targets H5N1 Bird Flu" (dated May 28, 2024):
"mRNA vaccines...can be produced as soon as scientists sequence the DNA of a virus.  Using that sequence, scientists develop a mRNA molecule that, once injected, instructs cells to produce a protein that will trigger an immune response against a virus....The researchers found that animals that were vaccinated and were later infected with H5N1 all survives, while all unvaccinated animals died. The study also compared the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccine with a traditional vaccine and found it provided the same level of protection."
"Dawn O'Connell, assistant secretary of the U.S. Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response said that the government is "looking closely" at vaccinating farm workers, Reuters reported.  This month a second dairy farm worker was reported to have been infected with the virus."  O'Connell said that the U.S. has "moved forward with filling about 4.8 million doses of bird flu vaccine into vials from a national stockpile of bulk vaccines."
An Experimental mRNA Vaccine Targets H5N1 Bird Flu
The first article mentions "vaccination fatigue" and "vaccination skepticism" - AFTER the Covid-19 "vaccine" was deemed 'safe and effective' - the public - however slowly - has been made aware of numerous lies they have been told about mRNA "vaccines".  Such as, they are vaccines, the mRNA stays in the deltoid muscle, the mRNA breaks down after a few days.  These are NOT vaccines, the mRNA has been found through out the human body and the mRAN may be around FOREVER.
Any future mRNA "vaccines" would have the same issues as the Covid-19 one.  And the public has become aware of 'additives' in the Covid -19 "vaccine" - things that should not be there.
Bird Flu 'Pinkeye' or Conjunctivitis:
The dairy worked that was found to be infected with bird flu is the "first known case of mammal-to-human transmission of the virus...the dairy worked sought care in March after developing painful red, swollen, weeping eyes with burst blood vessels.  He had no fever, however and his lungs were clear...the man did not become seriously ill...his case is important because it confirms that humans can be infected with H5N1 after contact with cows."
"Health officials in Texas said they did test other sick dairy workers, including some with red eyes, but they turned out to have other illnesses, not bird flu."
The man with the 'pinkeye' was tested and "his eyes were teeming with the H5N1 virus, but there was hardly any virus in his lungs.  That could mean the worker was infected through his eyes - either by rubbing them with contaminated hands or through splashes of contaminated milk."
What a US farmworker’s case of bird flu tells us about tracking the infection | CNN
They are saying that this virus has "pandemic potential".  But the risk is very low.  They are concerned because it has spread from birds to cows...and could potentially spread to humans.  Cows show only a mild illness when infected.  And they are worried it could infect pigs.  And they reported that cats on the infected dairy farms died after consuming unpasteurized cow colostrum.  And in this article dated May 28, 2024, they've confirmed it in alpacas for the first time - on a farm in Idaho.
Alpacas test positive for H5N1 bird flu for the first time
H5N1 Testing:
There is no testing for H5N1 available to the public.  Commercial tests can't tell H5N1 from influenza  A viruses.  Only public health laboratories are capable of the bird flu test.  (Of course.)
So far, it seems the eyes are the site of infection.  And the FDA is now saying that public health labs can "conduct testing on eye specimens themselves" instead of sending the sample to the CDC and awaiting results.  The CDC still will do a confirmatory test.  (May 24, 2024)
CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update May 24, 2024 | Avian Influenza (Flu)
Cow Milk, Milk Products and Poultry Foods and H5N1:
The FDA has been testing milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, powdered milk, etc.  They have found "dead byproducts of the virus" but no live infectious virus - due to the pasteurization process."  The CDC has said that poultry foods are safe as long as properly cooked.  And eggs are too.  Temperatures of 165 degrees Fahrenheit will kill the virus.
WHO And The Pandemic Agreement:
The World Health Assembly is hoping to finish the amendments to the International Health Regulations and decide on the "timing, format and process to conclude the pandemic agreement" on June 1.  So no "agreement" yet.  (May 28, 2024)
WHO listed 9 possible pandemic diseases:  Nipah Virus, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Lassa Fever, Rift Valley Fever, Zika, Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).  H5N1 is not on their list.
WHO Member States agree way forward to conclude Pandemic Agreement
Will bird flu become the next pandemic in the U.S.  It's not on WHO's radar for a pandemic.  But the U.S. is monitoring it closely and has "vaccines" ready to go.
Will this be used to lockdown the U.S. before the election?  Will this be used to further infect people with manufactured mRNA and other 'contaminants'?  Have THEY done gain-of-function on an H5N1 virus already?  They keep warning us that it 'could mutate and spread person-to-person and become a pandemic'.  One that can easily infect humans and spread with human- to-human contact?  With each new species that they identify being infected with H5N1 brings us that much closer to - humans.   Will the number of species continue to increase?  Certainly something to watch...
Alpacas test positive for H5N1 bird flu for the first time

After the Covid-19 virus lies - and the gain-of-function 'adjustments' -  I don't trust the FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS or the U.S. government one bit.  I can see them releasing something else on the public.
The FDA is paying farms to let them test for H5N1 in their dairy herds and is offering to pay dairy workers $75 to be tested for the virus.  The dairy workers are not signing on for this for multiple reasons.
Farmworkers face high-risk exposures to bird flu, but testing isn’t reaching them
I hope and pray that "vaccine fatigue" or "vaccine skepticism" keeps Americans from jumping on board, yet again, with an 'emergency use authorization' mRNA "vaccine".  IF this becomes their next pandemic of choice.  Something is definitely coming....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!