Chance (31 May 2024)
"The "Likely" Covid Truth, Scientists Lied"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about The New York Post article published May 16, 2024:  
"We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied."  The Part 2 of this article should then be about the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine".
The New York Post Article:
"The only plausible scenario" - "Covid-19, which killed 1.1 million Americans and destroyed lives and livelihoods of millions more, is a manmade virus that escaped from a Chinese lab partly funded by the U.S. government."
"NIH deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China before the Covid-19 pandemic started."  This contradicts what we were told by Fauci.
"But as Congress continues the probe, that truth is coming out, little by little, as the lies are being exposed."
"Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly argued it "evolved in nature and then jumped species." in the spring of 2020."  And he said that the US "has not ever and does not fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
We were told that - The Covid-19 virus didn't come from the Wuhan lab:  "Anyone who questioned this claim - including The Post - was censored online in 2020.  The reason?  A statement published in Lancet by 27 scientists calling it a "conspiracy theory."  (I remember reading that statement.)
"We now know that statement was drafted by Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, the company working on research in the Wuhan lab."
"All signs point to a lab leak.  The only reason we can't say it conclusively is because China has been allowed to destroy all evidence."  (And WHO sent a team to China to investigate and came away saying - it was a virus from a wet bar in Wuhan - not a lab.)
This is being called "The Lie of the Century."  "...this requires a complete overhaul of the entire National Institutes of Health."
"They lied about a weapon that devastated our country. They can't be allowed to get away with it."
We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied
"In early 2020, members of then US president Donald Trump's administration made unsubstantiated claims that the virus had originated in a Chinese laboratory...Amid simmering hostility between the two superpowers, WHO member states requested in May 2020 that the agency put together a science-led effort to identify how the pandemic started...In its March 2021 report, the team concluded that it was "extremely unlikely" that the virus had accidentally escaped from a laboratory."  WHO did later try to send over a second group in the second phase to investigate lab breaches.  The second phase of the investigation, conveniently, never happened.
WHO abandons plans for crucial second phase of COVID-origins investigation
They Lied About the Covid-19 Virus:
So Fauci lied about Covid - over and over.  They all lied - they lied about the masks we were required to wear (they weren't virus-proof, they all knew this), they lied about the 6 foot distancing (that has no science behind it - they just made it up), they lied about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine not working against Covid - and called Ivermectin 'horse medicine'; they lied about Remdesivir and the vent treatment - this killed more Americans than Covid did, according to some investigators.  They lied about the number of Covid deaths - throwing in car accidents, regular pneumonia, etc, falsely inflating the numbers.  In fact, there was basically no flu in winter 2020/2021/2022 - it was all coded as Covid.  Thus the saying "Covid cured the flu."  All of those seasonal flu infections and deaths were ascribed to Covid.  And the gold standard PCR test had way too many false positives - adding to the already hugely exaggerated numbers.
They censored and threatened Americans, American physicians, virologists, epidemiologists, etc. if they spoke about a different narrative on Covid origins.  People were vilified, cancelled, ostracized, and careers ruined.  Because of a whole boat load of lies.  
And Then There Is The Covid-19 mRNA "Vaccine":  The elephant in the room -
If we can't trust them about Covid-19 - how can we trust them about THEIR "vaccine"?  They lied about it not changing our DNA - it does indeed change our DNA; they lied about the "vaccine" staying in the deltoid muscle - it travels all through the body, collecting in organs; they lied about the half-life of the mRNA - it isn't gone in a few days, it appears to be around for years, possibly for life; they lied about the excess deaths caused by the "vaccine" and they lied about the morbidity numbers - millions of people have been injured by this "vaccine".  They have covered up and lied about the "vaccine" injuries/deaths that have been reported in VAERS. They told pregnant women to get the "vaccine" and it had never been tested on pregnant women.  They lied to us about the testing and clinical trials calling it "safe and effective" - the results were abysmal and the testing was pathetically incomplete.  The results were covered up by the CDC, FDA and NIH.  They lied to us about 'if you get the "vaccine" you can't get Covid" - statistics show that the more vaccinated you are the more likely you will get Covid.  They lied about the spread - pressuring people to get vaccinated so they won't spread it to others - the clinical testing did not check for spread - that was another lie.  They lied to us about less chance of hospitalization if vaccinated - statistics show the more vaccinated you are the higher the risk of death and hospitalization due to Covid.
How many lies does it take to wake the people up?  One is too many, imo.
People lost their jobs, their friends, their connections to society, their birthday celebrations, their graduation ceremonies, their social interactions with others......the governor of Colorado even threatened to deny hospital access to the unvaccinated.  People were denied transplants if they weren't vaccinated! 
Will Someone Blow The Lid?
Much of this is still going on - who will blow the lid on this?  The New York Post??  If the NYP, or some other news outlet, would check with pathology labs, hospital labs, etc and ask about turbo cancers, recurring cancers, D-dimer testing, CRP testing, and go check with embalmers - ask about odd white clots.  Then go to dentists offices and ask about their clientele's health - how many patients have died recently.  Then go to tax guys and ask how many death tax estates they've filled out this year.   Then go to the businesses with 'help wanted' signs in the windows and ask them where the workers are?  This needs to be blown wide open.
Will the New York Post stand up and look at the "vaccine" next?  The same group of people lied about this too.  The NIH, CDC, HHS, FDA.  They were all in cahoots with the 'virus' origin and treatment.  And they all supported the corresponding "vaccine" - with basically no real testing and abysmal results in their pathetic trials.
This whole Covid thing was an attack on the American people, the entire globe.  Western countries got hit the hardest.  I believe they were the true target for these bioweapons attacks.
As the NYP wrote, "They lied about a weapon that devastated our country.  They can't be allowed to get away with it."  And if they'll follow up with the sister article on the "vaccine" - they can write, "They lied about two bioweapons that devastated our country.  There needs to be a day of reckoning."
I really doubt that there will be any one held accountable for this crime against humanity.  The people in charge, are the ones behind it.   They won't implicate themselves. They won't allow themselves to be arrested, indicted, convicted.  They are already trying to frighten people with the bird flu.  I hope people are awake enough to the lies and manipulation that next time they'll say: 'Do Not Comply'.
As I've written in numerous letters, Covid-19 is part of the depopulation plan.  This was like a trial run - next time - they'll do a better job.
God help us.