Chance (31 May 2024)
"Peru's Government Classifies Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex as 'Mentally Ill' People - PART 2"

Hello John and Doves,
re:  mental illness vs the evil of wokism
In my first letter I wrote about Peru's government classifying transsexualism, nonbinary, and intersex conditions as mental illness.  The people involved have been guaranteed medical attention for mental health.  This policy has been seen by many as a "stand against ...the global trend of blurring biological realities."
Peru's Government Officially Classifies Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex as 'Mentally Ill' People | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
The Peru health ministry "maintained that the change was made to guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health for those suffering from gender dysphoria.." 
This would help stop the throwing of these affected individuals into the hands of perverted, evil wokists.  It gives an option.  An opportunity for proper, positive help as needed.
Of course, the LGBTQ+ groups are going crazy over this new law...stating that the government has an "outdated" view of gender identity.  "The Peruvian government issued a statement last week explaining that LGBTQ individuals would not be expected to undergo so-called "conversion therapy" which was banned in the country by a resolution in 2021."
"Peru declared it a mental illness so that people who suffer from this confusion can get medical treatment."  REAL medical treatment - not treatment from the evil 'gender confused' people.
In my Part 1 letter I noted that these gender issues use to be considered mental illnesses - til 'wokism' came on the scene.  On the Daily Wire, host Knowles "noted the "irony" of the outrage over the decree.  He said that "gender dysphoria" was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders until 2013.  "It might be the only mental illness that we universally acknowledged to be a mental illness, implicitly or explicitly, and then encouraged it...I guess that makes us a crazy country.  If you're the kind of country that encourages craziness and subsidizes craziness and mandates craziness as a matter of law, I guess that makes you a crazy country, doesn't it.?"
Crazy or demonically influenced.
Yes, some of this is mental illness - let the proper professionals sort this out and offer help; and give the children/young adults/etc a chance to grow up without being manipulated by an evil agenda.
There are also, those who have been sexually abused by evil adults.  These people, may indeed, now have, mental illness, due to the abuse. These individuals need help - not hormones or surgery. And those that have been 'transitioned' - they'll be needing mental help also, once they realize what happened to them and what they thought they wanted or needed.  They'll wake up and see how manipulated they were and how little choice they had for help outside of 'gender reassignment.'
I believe that children are being led astray by 'adults' into thinking they are trans or gay or the wrong sex or.... This is child sexual abuse.  Bet this was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah back in the day....
These children, young adults are not mentally ill - these kids are being manipulated by evil adults with an evil agenda.
Rather than going down the same path of 'wokism', I would like to see a shift towards the 'mental illness' side of this coin vs the 'gender affirming' side that we are seeing in the U.S. - the sex changes in four years old, hormone treatments for kids, surgically removing parts. All before the child is able to even understand any of this. 
At least, a mental illness diagnosis would allow the child (and parents) a choice - instead of a push into gender reassignment -  to get proper mental and physical health care - at least they've have another option.
It's an evil agenda being carried out by evil adults under dark powers - school teachers, parents, physicians, therapists, surgeons - pushing their perverted beliefs on children and young adults.  These so-called professionals do not care what studies have shown about sexual development in children.  There use to be an understanding of problematic and harmful behavior vs healthy behavior.  Evil adults have no such understanding or choose to ignore all the psychological studies done on these topics.  There use to be an understanding of "healthy sexual development' in children/young people.  There use to be a line between appropriate and inappropriate behavior in children.
And there use to be a line between 'do no harm' and 'do harm', a line between appropriate and inappropriate health care.  Many health care professionals have crossed that red line.
This evil agenda of 'gender identify' is destroying lives and families and communities.  Someone has to step up and stop or at least, divert the insanity.
If we can get these kids out of the hands of the 'woke' and into the hands of others who don't have an evil agenda to follow - that can really help these kids - I'd like to see real health care professionals get involved and take these kids out of the hands of these perverted dark souls.
Jesus said to the disciples, "It is impossible that offences (stumbling blocks) come, but woe to him through whom they come!  It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones (that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.)"  Luke 17:1-2
Also, there is always the possibility that there is demonic possession involved in some people...that opening up a door to evil brings in more evil....those who push this 'gender reassignment' on four year olds - there is a special place for them, no doubt.
I'm not a big supporter of the Catholic Church - but I think they were one time on the right track with exorcisms.
Man in the U.S. are definitely in need of such.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!