Chance (31 May 2024)
"The "Armageddon" General Has Returned to Russia and the North Forces Take the Symbol of Rune of Gungnir"

Hello John and Doves,
"We should expect important developments on the fronts of Ukraine as the "Armageddon" General S. Surovikin returned to Moscow from Algeria..."  
"The first information about S. Surovikin's return appeared on May 8 and most likely his return is related to the reorganization of the entire Ministry of Defense of Russia.z'
Russian military sources have presented a "revised "X" plan that includes the bifurcation of the Ukrainian front.  Russia is looking for a 300 - 500 km buffer zone.  Russian forces are on the move in Ukraine.  "The best that Kiev can do is, by sacrificing significant forces, to delay the advance of the Russian Forces and withdraw at least the most ready forces beyond the Dnieper to organize a new line of defense along the river."
"Kiev is afraid to transfer the 250-300 thousand relatively combat-ready troops it has left on the left bank because then the right bank will remain undefended and Russia will proceed with two scenarios for a quick end to the war."
1.  Defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the left bank.  If the Russian offensive does not stop, then the huge mass of Ukrainian troops will not be able to evacuate back to the right bank under the weight of Russian airstrikes.
2.  Wider from from Belorussia including attack on Kovel and Lutsk.  New operation from the side of Belarus, occupation of kovel and Lutsk regions in Western Ukraine and entrapment in Kiev's tongs.  Things could progress to the point that the entire group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the left bank will face the risk of encirclement.
"Moscow ordered the Belarusian railway to prepare for the transport of Russian forces, weapons systems and ammunition.  The new Russian attack will - as everything shows - be multi-frontal...troop group "North" is massing at least 250,000 troops for the final assault on Chernigov-Sumi-Kharkov."
"Kiev speculates that the General State of the Russian Armed Forces may be preparing another offensive from the northern direction, the target of which will be the capital of Ukraine, but this does not seem to be confirmed.  Unless the Russian forces attempt to encircle Kiev from Chernigov and Lutsk-Lviv."  Kiev ordered the evacuation of Belopole and Vorozba. 
H Ρωσία μεταφέρει χιλιάδες στρατιώτες στη Λευκορωσία: Μπαράζ πυροβολικού και άρση ναρκοπεδίων σε Τσερνίγκοφ και Σούμι! - War News 24/7
"The Ukrainian military command is making an extremely risky move, as it hastily transfers reserves from the direction of Kherson to Kharkiv." The transfer of forces from Kherson to Kharkiv may "lead to a complete collapse of the front for Kiev."
The Spear of Odin/The Rune of Gungnir:
The Russian military forces "North" has chosen a symbol to represent them - it's the Spear of Odin (Odin is the Norse god of war) - the Gungnir.  According to mythology, "whoever held Gungnir was guaranteed victory in battle.  This spear was known to "have a tip so sharp it could pierce through any armor, while its shaft was reputed to be indestructible, allowing it to last forever.  These traits made Gungnir an ideal weapon for both offense and defense....a tool of magic and divine protection."  "Gungnir was also believed to have supernatural powers.  It was said to possess the ability to control the weather, allowing its wielder to summon powerful storms and lightning bolts to strike at their enemies."  Gungnir is an "unbeatable weapon - a symbol of power and authority."
Gungnir: Odin’s Mighty Spear and Its Mythological Roots - Viking Style
"The Russian forces liberating territories of the Kharkov Oblast are marked with the 'Rune of Gungnir', the spear of Odin."
It's just interesting that this symbol was chosen.  "There is no longer any doubt that Russia knows who its real enemy is and is preparing for global conflict."
Odin is the god of war.  Reminded me of Apollyon (Apoll/Apollon) a Greek god that is written about in the Revelation and shows up during the Tribulation  He's also known as Abaddon the destroyer.  The angel/ruler of the abyss and king of the demonic locusts.
Demonic forces are on the move.  And much more to come during the Tribulation period.
Something Wicked This Way Comes:
And with the "Armageddon" general (who is known for using brutal tactics in war) returning to Moscow - and the big shake up in the Russian Ministry of Defense - something big is being prepared for. Add this to Russia's nuclear drills. In this article dated, May 15, "Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to practice the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons after what Moscow said were threats from France, Britain, and the United States." 
Why is Russia holding nuclear drills and should the West be worried? | Reuters
Makes sense to call General Surovikin back to Moscow.
Add this to Aaron of 'God A Minute' Youtube channel - see my other letter today "Interesting Prophecy" - about Kiev falling to the Russians.  First part of a four part prophecy.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.