Chance (31 May 2024)
"UK Gives OK To Use British Weapons Inside Russia"

Hello John and Doves,
Well looks like Britain is the first country to openly tell Ukraine to use British weapons directly against Russia - i.e. inside the Russian Federation borders.  So the UK has a BIG target on them - not like they didn't before this, but it looks bigger now.  And the U.S. F-16s are now being operated in Ukraine for use against Russia (as of May 6) - and they are platformed for nuclear weapons.  So there is a BIG target on the U.S. too.  Too. And there are reports of U.S., British, German, and French troops already fighting in Ukraine.
U.K. Gives Green Light:
"Ukraine can use British-supplied weapons to strike targets inside Russia, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron stated during a May 2 visit to Kyiv.  "Ukraine has that right,"  Cameron told Reuters'.
"The British Foreign Secretary's comments represent a departure from the cautious position adopted by most of Ukraine's Western partners over the past two years....the majority of countries backing Ukraine have insisted that Western weapons can only be used within Ukraine's international borders and must not be deployed against targets inside the Russian Federation."
UK gives Ukraine green light to use British weapons inside Russia - Atlantic Council
Cameron just openly declared that Ukraine has been a proxy used against Russia by the West.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!