Chance (31 May 2024)
"U.S. Delays Weapons to Israel"

Hello John and Doves,
The anti-Israel Obama-Biden administration is delaying weapons to Israel - because they don't like the way Israel is fighting their war with terrorists.  They don't won't Israel to destroy Hamas.
The US has "already delayed a shipment "near-term assistance" of thousands of 2,000lb and 500lb bombs to Israel."
US reviewing more weapons shipments to Israel
"In closed door talks with U.S. officials, the Israeli government has expressed "deep frustration" at both the Biden administration's delay of a weapons shipment and U.S. confirmations to the media of the once-private halt.  The publicity, they argue, could jeopardize hostage negations."
Israel privately conveys ‘deep frustration’ that US confirmed weapons holdup
And I'll add, it will embolden Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah to see the U.S. withholding weapons to Israel - trying to rein Israel in as it continues to bully Israel for a two-state solution and appease their base - the pro-Hamas terrorists on our campuses.
At about two minutes - Graham asks Sec of Defense Austin about weapons being delayed to Israel.  He asks if this delay would send a message to Iran?  To Israel's enemies?
Do you believe Iran wants to destroy Israel?  Do you believe that Hamas wants to destroy Israel?  Austin's answers were 'yes', amazingly.
Graham said that 'If we stop weapons to Israel that they need to destroy its enemies  - we will pay a price.  'Give Israel the weapons they need to fight the war they can't afford to loose.'
Lindsey Graham Absolutely Explodes On Austin And Brown Over Delay In US Weapons Shipments To Israel - YouTube
run time 5:41
It's not surprising that the U.S. has 'delayed' shipment of weapons to Israel - Biden has been threatening to do this to 'strong arm' Israel into doing what Obama/Biden want Israel to do.   Two-state solution.  Stop the attacks on Hamas.  End the war.  Kowtow to the Muslim terrorists.
What is surprising is that the U.S. let Israel's enemies know about the weapons delay.  This should never have been made public knowledge!  This is absolutely despicable for them to have released this news to the media.  This just shows how down and dirty this administration and this military is.  They did this to appease the pro-Hamas terrorists/protesters on the campuses = which they totally support and are probably funding through donations to Hamas and Iran or maybe directly!.
This is a NEW LOW for this administration and military.  
If there was ever any doubt about how evil and corrupt this administrator is or how anti-Israel, anti-Jew they really are - this should clear things up.
And Graham is right about "we will pay a price" for doing this.  God warned us about this behavior:  "Whoever curses Israel will be cursed."  Numbers 24:9  THEY Just made the target bigger over America - if that's even possible!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!