Chance (31 May 2024)
"Chip Roy: Sharia Law in U.S. and Jlstaten:  "Whose God is God? Yahweh or Allah" Letter"

Hello John and Doves,
I really appreciate Rep Chip Roy (R-TX) - I've watched and listened to him for several years on C-SPAN.  He's concerned about Sharia Law coming to the U.S. - he's looking at what has happened in the U.K. and what's happened in the U.S. since October 7.  And Jlstaten had a letter last week about what's been going on around the world and the 'River to the Sea' protesters and Islam in the world. And asked, "Whose God is God?  Yahweh or Allah".
And, not a surprise, Biden et al stopped a shipment of bombs to Israel last week.  He's not happy that the IDF wants to destroy Hamas, once and for all, in Gaza.
With the protesters, rioters, violence on campuses, since October 7th, I've been even more concerned about Islamic forces in the U.S.  The open border has been a major concern for jihadis entering the U.S. and Biden's flying in over 400,000 people from who knows where to plop down in U.S. cities over the last year....the disastrous, bloody retreat from Afghanistan with plane loads of unvetted Islamics that were brought to the U.S. and dumped off, and Obama and Biden's funding Iran to the tune of billions of U.S. tax payer dollars, to the stabbing of Israel in the back over Iran, and Iran-backed proxies.  Even the U.N. voted for a Palestinian state - rewarding the terrorist for October 7 and all the rest of their anti-Israel violence/rhetoric for years!
I've said for a long time that the U.S. is no friend of Israel's.  The Obama-Biden administration is anti-Israel, anti-Bibi, anti-Jew.  
U.S. "Paused" Bomb Shipment to Israel:
Now we find out that "The US last week paused a bomb shipment for Israel over concerns it was going ahead with a major ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, a senior US adminsitration official said.  The shipment consisted of 1,800 2,000lb bombs and 1,700 500lb bombs...the delayed arms shipment comes as US President Joe Biden faces mounting domestic pressure - from Democratic lawmakers and some parts of the US public...."
US reveals it paused shipment of bombs for Israel over Rafah concerns
Chip Roy and Sharia Law in the U.S.:
  "Chip Roy says he's concerned 'Sharia Law' will be forced upon the American people."  I know its bad and getting worse here in the U.S....
He "expressed concern on the House floor on Tuesday that Islamic "Sharia law" will soon be "forced upon the American people."  He talked about the southern border and how nothing is being down to secure it.  "He protested, "We're shrugging it off!  We're pretending that it's not happening!  I mean, is anybody paying attention to what's happening in London?"
"You've got a massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom going on right before our eye.  People say, "Chip, well what is wrong with that?"  Well, I've got some pretty strong concerns about Sharia law and whether that will be forced upon the American people...I've got pretty strong concerns about people who want to see Israel's destruction, who were happy about October 7, who were elected in the United Kingdom.  Some might say that we've seen that here in the United States."
"We have 51.5 million people who are foreign-born in the United States.  They have about 20 to 25 million kids.  That puts that well over 20 something percent of the population and its the highest such number in the history of our country."
"Are we teaching people about Western civilization?  Are we teaching people about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law?  Are we teaching them Western values?  Are we teaching them God exists?  Are we teaching them the important of freedom"  Or are we teaching an entire generation, or two or three to run around complaining about what's wrong and why the entire world is against them because of their skin color, their sex, their supposed gender identify?"
"Last week, Roy expressed concern on social media over the election of a Muslim in the U.K. who celebrated his victory with chants of "Allahu Akbar".
"Coming to America,"  commented Roy.
Whose God is God? Yahweh or Allah
Roy believes that immigration will lead to Sharia Law.  Roy has a right to be so concerned - just look at what the Department of Education did recently, in this Feb 2024 article - they are investigating Islamophobia at Harvard!!  They opened an investigation after Arab and Muslim students filed a civil rights complaint against the university."  Wonder if this 'investigation' will go anywhere - the anti-Semitic ones haven't.
"Our complaint addresses Harvard's failure to protect more than a dozen students from harassment, intimidation, and threats based solely on their status as Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and supporters of Palestinian rights", the legal fund said".  (Yet not a peep about the Jewish students and what they have been experiencing on Harvard campus!)
DOE launches investigation into Harvard following Islamophobia, anti-Arab complaint - ABC News
In this article dated Jan, 2024 "Several Jewish students have filed a lawsuit against Harvard University, accusing it of becoming "a bastion of rampant anti-Jewish hatred and harassment."  They noted that "Mobs of pro-Hamas students and faculty have marched by the hundreds through Harvard's campus, shouting vile antisemitic slogans and calling for death to Jews and Israel," according to the lawsuit.  Those mobs have occupied buildings, classrooms, libraries, student lounges, plazas and study halls, often for days or weeks at a time, promoting violence against Jews."
Lawsuit filed against Harvard, accusing it of violating the civil rights of Jewish students
The Department of Education has been 'probing' allegations of antisemitism and islamaphobia since last year - at 7 universities - "including Cornell University, Columbia University and University of Pennsylvania."
Department of Education opens investigations over alleged incidents of antisemitism and Islamophobia | CNN Politics
Since last year - and nothing has been done!
What an impotent, incompetent bunch of people at the Department of Education!!  The violence/rioting/property damage/disruptions to classes, graduation, etc. has been going on for months - and not so much of a peep from them and the Biden administration.  (Could it be they side with Islam???)
Whose God is God:
Last week, JIstaten wrote a letter to Doves:  "Whose God is God?  Yahweh or Allah?" 
JLstaten makes the point that if we do have 32% of the world as Christian and 24% as Islamic - after the Rapture - "what do you have left?"   A big percentage of the people left-behind will be Islamic.
With over a billion people declaring that Allah is god, and all the screaming 'from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free"- Jlistaten noted that "The world is becoming nothing but a festering antisemitc cesspool and Jerusalem is becoming a Burdensome Stone, a Cup of Trembling to the whole world. "
The linked article with video in the letter is "Palestine' and the Church":  Derek Gilbert said in the video: "There is a rising tide of anti-Semitism in the body of Christ.  It's been growing since October 7."  Derek interviewed Mark Sutherland (U.K.); they talked about the rise of anti-Semitism and geopolitical struggles involving Israel.
VFTB 4/28/24: ‘Palestine’ and the Church – A View from the Bunker
I think Rep Roy Chip has a legitimate concern for the U.S.  And when the Believers are raptured from the U.S. - with Christianity being the largest religion in the U.S., followed by Judaism, and Islam is the third, it's easy to see the left-behind will be the atheists, the Jews and Muslims. 
And the 'new' generations of Muslims and atheist Americans in the U.S. are the majority of the 'river to the sea' believers. But like Derek Gilbert said, anti-Semitism is rising in the body of Christ!!  And to add to this -  "the majority of American Jews" share the beliefs that there shouldn't be Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the military occupation is callous and they oppose the right-wing government.  Also,a 2020 pole by the Pew Research Center found that "only one in three American Jews felt like the Israeli government was "sincere" in its pursuit of peace"  .And In the same poll, "63 percent of American Jews said they considered a two-state solution plausible.  Jews were, in fact, more likely than the overall U.S. population to believe in the possibility of peaceful coexistence with an independent Palestine."
The Golden Age of American Jews Is Ending - The Atlantic
Oh, boy!  Over half American Jews believe a two-state solution is plausible -  they are a big problem for Israel.  And we see anti-Israel statements coming from Congress - from the highest Jew in office!  Israel has many Jewish enemies high up in the U.S. government.  Obama-Biden are counting on this.
The prophecies about Jerusalem are coming true - we are seeing the anti-Semitism growing in the U.S. and worldwide.  Israel will be alone on the world stage.  And Biden may totally cut off any military aid to Israel...he's already started ....just as a new shiite group (Al-Ashtar Brigades) has begun attacks on Israel from Bahrain!  The "Axis of Resistance" against Israel is growing.
And nothing will happen outside of God's will.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem~