Steve Mullin (28 May 2023)
"Jim Caviezel's New movie"

Jim is a Christian. He played Jesus in the Passion of the Christ. The sequel to that is coming out very soon, but the movie he talks about in this clip is important too.

The revelation of the reality of this world has grown exponentially this year. Lucifer is the god and deceiver of the whole world according to scripture. The clip I'm linking to is a movie that involves child trafficking--A VERY SERIOUS and real problem on this planet. 

"The deep things of Satan" is what gets exposed. Many can't receive this information because it exposes very uncomfortable truths. 

Here is the clip:

A few other comments about Jim that some may not know: 

When filming The Passion of the Christ, the movie set was struck by lightning. Also the day Jesus was crucified in the movie snakes came out of every crevice! None of them saw snakes any day on set. That day there were hundreds!

Another really good movie that Jim was in it's called the Count of Monte Cristo--feels very similar to Christ's story.

Steve M