Steve Mullin (14 May 2023)
"Antichrist Thoughts, Joe Biden?"

I'm still 95% sure the AC is 1. Obama, 2. Trump (whose cult-like following could explain the scripture about "even the elect being deceived"), 3. King Charles, or 4. president Biden--Hes a pathological liar historically, his son Hunter is a crack/meth addict who has been seen in footage VERY INAPPROPRIATELY with very young girls, has a child with a stripper, and is clearly guilty of conspiring with China for money. I"d go so far as to say that I don't even think Joe is the one operating in that body--EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS DIFFERENT FROM HOW HE WAS WHEN LUCID. We know from the Bible that spirits can enter into a body and live/see/speak through it--its  the mystery of lawlessness from the Bible. The wolves in sheep's clothing are the demons who work through the human body, aka "clothing". His eyes are black as coal too. My 2 cents.

Steve M