Paul N. F. (14 May 2023)
"Prayerful Thoughts of God Are Never a Burden"

Prayerful Thoughts of God Are Never a Burden

By A. W. Tozer

. . .The effectual, fervent prayer of
a righteous man availeth much.  James 5:16

   It is hardly possible to overstress the importance of
unceasing inward prayer -- on the part of the one who
would live the God-conscious life.
  Prayer at stated
times is good and right; we will never outgrow our
need of it while we remain on earth.  But this kind
of prayer must be supported and perfected by the
habit of constant, unspoken prayer!

   But someone may question whether in a world like
this it is possible to think of God constantly.  Would it
not be too great a burden to try to keep God constantly
in the focus of our minds while carrying on our normal
activities in this noisy and highly complex civilization?

   Malaval had the answer to this:  "The wings of the
dove do not weigh it down," he said; "they carry and
support it.  And so the thought of God is never a burden;
it is a gentle breeze which bears us up, a hand which
supports us and raises us, a light which guides us, and
a spirit which vivifies us though we do not feel its

   We all know how the presence of someone we deeply
love lifts our spirits and suffuses us with a radiant sense
of peace and well-being.  So the one who loves God
supremely is lifted into rapture by His conscious

   "Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the

Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.