Neil Lipken (21 May 2023)
"Good 'ol Joe!"

The globalists installed this chump to be President!   The 2020 election was fraud!   They desperately wanted to get rid of President Trump!   Who is actually running America?   George Soros and a host of other globalists.

P.S.   Make no mistake about it, after the upcoming Rapture the antichrist will appear on the global stage and he will form a global government, a global government under the ausplices of satan.   Seven years later Israel's long rejected Messiah will return on the Mount of Olives in Israel and form the true global government that will last for the next 1000 years!  And just Who is Israel's Messiah?   No brainer----- Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53, that's Who!