Luis Vega (21 May 2023)
"SUDDEN DESTRUCTION - In the Fig Tree Generation"




In the Fig Tree Generation

by Luis B. Vega     


‘For you are fully aware that the Day of the LORD will come like a Thief in the Night. While People are saying, ‘Peace and Security’, Destruction will come upon them Suddenly, like Labor Pains on a Pregnant Woman, and they will not Escape. But you, Brothers, are not in the Darkness so that this Day should overtake you like a Thief’. -1 Thessalonians 5:2-4


What is the Fig Tree Generation? It is the Generation that will see the Return of Jesus Christ. How is that surmised in the Timeline concerning Biblical Prophecy and the Church Age? Realize that since the Nation of Israel rejected Jesus as their Messiah, thanks to a large part by the Decision of the Sanhedrin Ruling Class, YHVH set Israel aside. It was given a ‘Time Out’ in a Field of Play Analogy. The Ball then was given to the Gentiles to secure the Promise in that YHVH was to also incorporate the Non-Jews into the Covenant of Israel, as disclosed to Abraham.

It was the Disciples of Jesus that asked, ‘When will the End come and the 2nd Coming occur?’ The List of Conditions can be ascertained in Matthew 24. But 1 Key Code or Attribute of the Prophecy has to do with how the ‘Fig Tree’ that was to be ‘Cut Down’ to the Stump, would ‘Regenerate’. This is clearly understood to refer to Israel as it was known to the Disciples in the 1stt Century. Meaning? That Israel would be Reconstituted and Flourish once again when Jesus was to Return.

This is amazing because soon after the Rejection of Jesus by Israel that led to the Destruction of the Temple, City and Nation, there was thereafter no Nation, City and Temple to speak of. For how long? For nearly 2000 Years. This Timespan coincided with the Church Age and is. The amazing Fact is that it was in 1948 that this ‘Dead’ Nation, City and Temple yet to be erected started a Process of Refurbishing. What is occurring now, as it was in the Beginning, was an ‘Overlap’ of Covenants. The Covenant of Sinai, pertaining to Israel was in play at the Time the Disciples asked that Question of when Jesus was to Return and set up the ‘Jewish World Order’. 

It would and will be when Jesus, as a Jew will ‘Rule the World’ and Israel as a Redeemed Nation will be the ‘Head’, as Promised. Until the ‘Sudden Destruction’ that came upon Israel, the City and the Temple, there was that Overlap with the Church Covenant, which is really the New Covenant Promised also. Not until 70 AD did the Church Age really become singular in its Testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as what was called ‘The Way’, referring to Christians had originally been all Jewish.

To this Day, many are Jewish Believers, but they are the Minority. The point is that there will come another Parallel ‘Sudden Destruction’ pertaining to the End of this Church Age Timespan. And? From that Time afterwards, YHVH will revert back to the Covenant with Israel to finish the 70thh Week of Daniel that remains to Seal-Up the Vision and Prophecy, Anoint the Most High and Bring an End to Sin, etc. What helps in determining where the Church Age is at is taking into account the Signs, not only those Geo-Political ones, but those given by YHVH in the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

Take for example the Phenomena of the Blood Moons. It is interesting that the Rabbinical Calendar is pegged to these Phases because it is Mathematical pre-calculated to always do. This is why the current Rabbinical Calendar drifts and has to be added an extra Month every few Years to be in-sync with the Solar one. And this ‘mechanism’ is not calibrated with the Solar one that is re-adjusted by the Equinoxes.  


All that to say, the if the Solar Calendar is the correct one, then the Blood Moons and the Hillel Calendar is off and one that should not be used or it should be re-calibrated with the Solar one as many argue was before the Diaspora and Time and of the Months were determined by the Priest in the Temple. But as you can see now, even the Astronomical Method is not Full Proof as the New Moon can be up to 1 Month out. That one would agree that there is just a need to re-discover the Lost Art of knowing how both the Solar and Lunar Calendars work together. 


One finds it interesting that the Essenes used the Enochian Solar Calendar and made adjustments. They used the Solar Disk much like a Sun Dial. So, that is where one’s Learning Curve ends and the purpose of this Book. It is just to present one’s Research up to this Point in Time. If one can find the ‘Combination Lock’ formula in how to reconcile both the Solar and Lunar Day Counts, one should win the Nobel Prize. But as to using it for a possible determination of when the Rapture Timing will be or could be?

At best then, with what one has understood, at this Point in Time, one would be or could be 1 Month off. So, one is ‘Good’ to suggest a ‘Rapture Season’ instead of Specific Day and Time. Now why one was adamant about the Enoch Calendar Template for 2022 is that it ‘worked’ or matched nearly perfectly, at least at the start of the Year, back in April of 2022. But that the Key in determining a ‘Correct’ Start of a Year, that being Nisan 1, that could/would layout the Timeline thereafter. But realize that 1 Key Bench Mark of just how close the Rapture Event is.

This Condition is regardless of which Calendar is considered is that the Generation that saw Israel back in the Promised Land. This is even though as a Secular ‘Zionist’ State is what one can go off of per the Condition stated by Jesus. If the Church Age continues a few more Years, that Generation will have Died Off by then and then Lucifer could claim this against Jesus as a Falsity. As the Year 2023 comes into play, in the Gregorian Calendar, May 14 marked the 75th Year Anniversary. Perhaps that will be the Year needed to be fulfilled. One suggests then that 2023 will be very significant concerning Israel, based on the Biblical Significance related to the Number 75 based on the

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In the Fig Tree Generation

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Prologue………………………………….………………   11

Images of the Destruction..……………………..…...…  17
Determining Nisan 1….……….………………….…..…  27
Is there a Gap of Time Between Rapture…................  33
Will There Be A Rapture Worldwide Earthquake….....  49
Is There a ‘Partial Rapture’?.…..……….……………… 53
On the Way to The Rapture…………………..………... 59
Book Ban……………………………………………...….  71
6th Seal Rapture?................................………..…....... 75
Market Cash Cycles……………….……………….……  87 

The Rapture Exit…………………….……………….….  99
Shemitah Atzeret Rapture?…..……….………………..  105
8th Day of Assembly…...……………………………..…. 121 

Y-H-V-H DNA Poster…….………………………..…….. 131
When Will World War 3 Start?……....……………...…. 147
Ukraine Nuclear Detonations....................……...….… 161 

Vlad’s the Mad’s?..........……….…………….……........ 171 

End Of The Harvest Rapture?………..……………..… 183

What Are The ‘Deep Things Of GOD’?…….……........ 195

Noah’s Days Rapture...…………………………….......  213 

11:11:11 Year Countdown…………………………...….  227

‘Hand of GOD’?...........................................................  241 

‘Pfizer-ael’……………………………………………...…  261
Returning to Egypt………………………………………   273


ABCs of Salvation…………….……………….……......  303
Book Resources……………….…………………….….  


© 2022 PostScripts Publications

In the Fig Tree Generation




Category: Religion & Spirituality 

All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License 

Publisher: Lulu  


Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date: Nov 8, 2022 

Language: English 

ISBN: 9781387492879
