Luis Vega (21 May 2023)



Rapture of the Brides of the Vineyard Typology  

by Luis B. Vega

‘Then I will send Rain on your Land in its Season, both Autumn and Spring Rains, so that you may gather in your Grain, New Wine and Olive Oil’. -Deuteronomy 11:14. 


The purpose of this study is to present Evidence that Pentecost corresponds to the Feast of New Wine, which occurs in the 4th Month, not the 5th Month. Nor is it in the 3rd Month as that is when the Jewish celebrate their Arrival at Mount Sinai. And consequently, how Tu B’Av, in late Summer, is a Typology of the Rapture but celebrated, now arbitrarily incorrectly, as the Jews lost Count of when it actually occurred. One will present Evidence that what has come to be celebrated as Israel’s Valentine’s Day corresponded to the Feast of New Wine, and thus, also Pentecost.

And as such, it is a fitting Typology of when the Timing of the Rapture could very well occur, as it is when the Brides were ‘Snatched’ away from the Vineyard. Jesus said He is the Vine, and His Disciple are the Branches during the Church Age, etc. One argues that presently, those who take it for Granted, Biblically, that the Feast of New Wine, is rather associated with the Summer Wheat Harvest Timeline. This study will attempt to show that, based on the discovery of the Temple Scrolls, there are 3 Minor Feasts that corroborate with this set of 3 Counts of 50 Day Assertion.  

It is how these 3 Feasts of the New Grain, New Wine and New Oil correspond and complement the Pentecost Triple Count Theory and how the Pentecost of Acts 2 is just the 2nd of the 3 Shavuot Counts that occurs in the 4th Jewish 4 Month of Tammuz and is the Feast of New Wine. This study is only a Rationale and Conjecture. One cannot definitely prove the Theory 100%. However, the Circumstantial Evidence is compelling in one’s ‘Prophetic’ Estimation and Assessment. For this purpose, the Temple Scrolls that speak to the 3 Feasts will be examined and defined.

Then, several Bible Translation Versions will be presented that show how Pentecost of Acts 2 was not, is not what is now considered Shavuot. The Term, ‘Shavuot’ can be applied to any 49 Day Count, which can technically be called true in all of the 3 Feasts in question. Then, the Triple Count Theory will be touched upon. And to Reiterate, that the ‘Pentecost’ of Acts 2, is considered ‘True Pentecost’, but occurred in the 4th Month and correlated to the Feast of New Wine. Then one will look closely at what occurred on Pentecost of Acts 2 and how the Event connected, Biblically, with Joel and implied an Out-Pouring, just like one does with Wine.

3 Minor Feasts
Consider the Prophetic Typology in how New Wine is alluded to in the Wedding of Cana. There is a ‘Code’ related to the 6 Large Jars of Water that Jesus turned into New Wine. Jesus promised not to partake of Wine ‘Anew’ and finish the Passover Meal until a Time of a New Wine Correspondence. This will start in the ‘7th Jar’ or Millennial Kingdom. This Typology is taken from Creation Week as per the Apostle Peter, one then extrapolating the 1 Day = 1000 Day Prophetic Template to it.  


One suggests that the Prophetic Pentecostal Intermission is about to conclude. It is the Rapture Event that will ‘End’ the Church Age. One surmised that the Rapture occurs on the Feast of New Wine, i.e., ‘When Pentecost had fully come’, as a Harvest Type. Thus, what one is suggesting, is that the Rapture occurs on True Pentecost, at the Feast of New Wine. What Year? That is the Question. The 3 Minor Feasts of New Grain, New Wine and New Oil are not listed in the Feasts of YHVH from Leviticus 23. There are inferences throughout the Old Testament that do refer and mention the Feast though.

How the World has come to know about these 3 Feasts came with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. It is just as Israel was Partitioned by the UN. But it was not until Decades later that the portion that spoke clearly about these 3 ‘Forgotten Feasts’ of YHVH were released to the Public. They are found in what is called the Temple Scroll - 11QT=11Q19, 20, 4Q365a – XVIII-XXI. The following will be Evidence that there were 3 Feasts that had 3 ‘Shavuot’ or 49 Day Counts, plus 1 Day to Celebrate them.

This will demonstrate that the 2nd 50-Day Count corresponds, not only to True Pentecost, as one presents that Argument for a Double Count, from the Day after Passover, that being Nisan 15 as patterned also from the Exodus Day Count, but that the 2nd 50 Day Count corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. This would corroborate the Mockery endured by the Disciples for speaking in other Known Languages when the Holy Spirit came down as a ‘Deposit’, Sealing them. The Crowd thought the Disciples were ‘Drunk’ on the New Wine. Only on the 4th Month could the New Wine ‘First Fruits’ of the Grapes be ‘Presented’ as the Wheat Harvest would be coming to a Conclusion. When? Summer. Following are the Temple Scroll Parchment Portion. 


1. New Grain
You shall count-7 Complete Sabbaths from the Day of your bringing the Sheaf of [the Wave-Offering. You shall c]ount until the Morrow of the 7 Sabbath. You shall count [50] Days. You shall bring a New Grain-Offering….it is the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of First-Fruits, an Eterna[l] Memorial.

2. New Wine
You [shall count] 7 Weeks from the Day when you bring the New Grain-Offering… 7 full Sabbaths [shall elapse un]til you have counted 50 Days to the Morrow of the 7th Sabbath. [You] shall [bring] New Wine for a Drink-Offering.

3. New Oil

[You sha]ll count from that Day 7 Weeks, 7 Times, 49 Days; there shall be 7 full Sabbaths; until the Morrow of the 7th Sabbath you shall count 50 Days. You shall then offer New Oil.

Temple Scrolls

On January 26, 2018, Israel365News (See End Notes) published an Article regarding this finding about the 3 Feasts that the Essenes kept and recorded. The News Agency realized and acknowledged that the Temple Scroll describes 2 Special Feasts not mentioned in the Bible. However, they were known and recognized from the other Dead Sea Scrolls Portions. These 2 Festivals were of the New Wine and New Oil. Here is the Evidence of how they, being Jewish, interpreted the Timing of when the 3 Feasts Occurred. It corroborates the point that one is arguing. And that is?

Pentecost coincided with the Feast of New Wine, as that was the 2nd Day Count of 50 Days. The 1st 50 Day Count was from Passover to the 1st Shavuot, Feast of Weeks being the Feast of New Grain, ‘First Fruits’. But a 2nd and 3rd ‘Shavuot’ Day Count of 49 Days + 1 Day would ensue to complete this Triple Shavuot Count. This will be addressed in how there is a Mis-Interpretation of thinking that there was just 1 Shavuot, and that was Pentecost, the 50th Day after Shavuot. No. The following Interpretation from Israel 360 will bear this out, which one also would concur is the True Interpretation. 


‘These Dates constituted an Extension of the Festival of Shavuot as we know it today, which celebrates the New Wheat, the Researchers said. According to this Calendar,

1. The Festival of New Wheat falls 50 Days after the 1st Sabbath following Passover.
2. The Festival of New Wine comes 50 Days later.
3. And after a further Interval of 50 Days, the Festival of New Oil is celebrated’.  


Another Confirming Witness is the work of Dr. Ken Johnson. He has studied the Dead Sea Scrolls and such Temple Scroll Parchments. He has also written Books related to how the Essenes kept such Records of these 3 Feasts and how they went by a Solar Enochian Calendar that was pegged to the Spring Equinox etc. Dr. Johnson confirmed that the Festival of New Wine occurred in the 4th Month, that of Tammuz and correlated to July in the Gregorian Calendar.

This corroborates not only the ‘Shavuot’ Triple-Count Theory is correct, to suggest True Pentecost of Acts 2 occurs in the 4th Month as Wheat is Harvested, but that it coincides with the First Fruits of the New Wine Grapes. The following is a Timeline based on the Jewish Month Calendar from Passover, that one suggests, the Month of July, is the extremely Rapture High Watch Season, if not Month and Day.

From Day after Passover = Nisan 15 (1st Month)
Adding 3 Shavuot’s of 49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days (Repeated 3 Times) 

Result 1:  (3nd Month) Sivan      = Shavuot  #1 = Feast of New Grain: ‘First Fruits’ (Wheat) 

Result 2: (4th Month) Tammuz = Shavuot #2 = Feast of New Wine: ‘First Fruits’ (Wine)*  

Result 3:  (6th Month) Elul           = Shavuot  #3 = Feast of New Oil: ‘First Fruits’ (Oil) 

Note: Consider the Mathematical Symmetry of a 3-4-6 Month Phi Ratio that spans the main Harvest Seasons of Israel.*4th Month and 2nd Shavuot 50-Day Count = Acts 2 ‘Pentecost’.

Now, many People, Skeptics and Detractors might rightly bring-up the various Biblical Verses that clearly state that YHVH commanded Moses to instruct the Fighting Men of Israel to Assembly at Jerusalem, around the Temple on 3 Harvest Feast Days, that being Passover, ‘Feast of Weeks’, and Tabernacles. This is also seen and stated during Solomon’s Dedication to the House of YHVH. All this is True, but which ‘Shavuot’? 

‘Then Solomon offered entirely Burned Offerings to the Lord on the LORD’s Altar that Solomon had built in front of the Porch, as each Day required, according to the Commandment of Moses for Sabbaths, New Moon Festivals, and the 3 Annual Festivals—Unleavened Bread, Weeks, and Booths’. – 2 Chronicles 8:12-13

The verse clearly is translated as, ‘Mitzvah, Shavuot and Sukkot’. So, a Rationale for a Shavuot Triple Count and the Pentecost of Acts 2 not being the Traditional ‘Shavuot’ but coinciding with the Feast of New Wine would appear to collapse. However, the following Verse Translation that comes from the Temple Dedication of Solomon, suggest the Shavuot of the 2nd Count, corresponded to the Feast of New Wine, i.e., Acts 2.   


Contemporary English Version (CEV)  

Festival of Thin Bread, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Shelters.

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Harvest, and the Festival of Shelters.

Good News Translation (GNT)
Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Shelters.

Traducción en Lenguaje Actual (TLA)
La Fiesta de los Panes Sin Levadura, la Fiesta de la Cosecha y la Fiesta de las Enramadas.

Reina Valera Actualizada (RVA-2015

La Fiesta de los Panes Sin Levadura, en la Fiesta de Pentecostés y en la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos.

The point is that the Traditional Shavuot that occurs in the 3rd Month of Sivan cannot be the Acts 2 Pentecost as the Wheat is only then offered as the First Fruit. The Harvest of the Wheat occurs after the June 20 Summer Solstice. In the New Testament, Jesus infers that Wheat Harvest occurs in the 4th Month. Wheat is likened to the Church Age and thus a Harvest. What Type? Wheat. And? Realize that a ‘Bundle of Wheat’ is considered to have 24 Stalks. This is typifying the 24 Elders ‘Seated’ with Christ, i.e., the Bride. She is not of Barley, as that was the Type of Jesus’ Resurrection Fruit Type.

She is not Oil or Olives as that is a Pressing-Out and Reminiscent of the Garden of Gethsemane Episode. That will pertain to Israel and the World during the Tribulation Period. Thus, the 3 Harvest Types in question are that of Wheat-Wine-Oil. It is for these Reasons, that one has argued that the 50-50-50 ‘Pentecosts’ start from the ‘Marrow after the Sabbath, which is Passover. Passover is considered a Sabbath.

4th Month
In the Gospel Accounts, this Day is called the ‘High Day Sabbath’, etc. This is the Key to ‘Know’ the correct 50-Day Counts. One holds to the interpretation that Nisan is determined by the 1st New Moon after the Spring Equinox (March 20). Thus, the Acts 2 Pentecost or Shavuot Count is correct, to have the Wheat Harvest begin after the Summer Solstice (June 20) and End in late July. But it is in Mid-July that the Wine Harvest begins, thus the Feast of New Wine Convergence on the Acts 2 Pentecost, etc.

To Reiterate, the Gathering-In of the Wheat Harvest concludes around Mid to Late July 23 in the Jewish Month of Tammuz. This converges with the First Fruits Festival of New Wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 may allude to this New Wine Festival. ‘Honor the LORD with your Substance, and with the First Fruits of all your Increase: So, shall your Barns be filled with Plenty, and your Presses shall burst out with New Wine’. With regard to the Rapture, and End of Church Age Pentecost of the 99th Day? It was when the Covenants or Dispensation of YHVH ‘Turned’. There are 3 since Mount Sinai that have occurred. And after the Rapture, Prophetic Time will once again, ‘Turn’ to Israel.  



Mount Sinai
1-The ‘Turning’ of a Dispensation, was the Pentecost of Mount Sinai wherein, Moses came down with the 10 Commandments. Israel entered into the Dispensation of the Law. One is still of the interpretation that the True Count of Pentecost is corroborated by Exodus 32. Aaron declared a Festival to be on Tammuz 24, the 4th Month. It was the Day Moses came down with the original 10 Commandments. This was the Day, the Israelites set-up the Golden Calf and 3000 Died. On Pentecost of Acts, the Holy Spirit came down and 3000 got Saved. See Article #609: Sinai Pentecost.    


Mount Moriah
2-Then there was the ‘Turning’ of a Dispensation on Pentecost of Mount Moriah. This is in Acts 2 when the Disciples gathered at the House of YHVH, that the Temple Precinct, as was their custom, on the 99th Day since Passover of 32 AD, they were Endowed by the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This Change in Dispensations was from the Law of Moses to the Age of Grace, i.e., the Church Age. ‘Pentecost’, Prophetically, the 4th Feast is not over, but being ‘Harvested’. 


Mount Zion
3-But then the 3rd Pentecost that is to come, will be the occasion where the Age of Grace reverberates back to the Age of Law. Why? This is to Complete the Interrupted and Intermission of Daniel’s 70th Week. And this, to occur in the 70th Year of the Sabbath Cycle for Israel, since it returned to the Promised Land and was ‘Birthed’ in 1948. However, the 1st Sabbath Year in the Count occurred in 1952. This is the true 70 Year Countdown to Daniel’s 70the Year, etc.  


This Rationale presented is challenging the Traditional Teaching of Pentecost and that the Year 1948 was and is the Conventional Year to count from the 70 Years to 'figure out' the Last Generation. One believes the Alternative Year is 1952, affirming also that the Fig Tree is Israel. And to reiterate, there were 120 Days from the Spring Equinox to the proposed Pentecost that would fall in the 4th Month. This is as Jesus stated of the Wheat Harvest, being in July or the 4th Month of Tammuz. The Number 120 is that it is Prophetically Indicative of how long the Maturing Process of the Wheat Harvest takes.

Orders of the Resurrections
The Fruit Types, Wheat, Oil and Wine have to do with the Order of the Resurrections. Jesus states that there would be 4 Months and then the Harvest. The Number 120 is Significant as that is how many Disciples were present when Pentecost, ‘Had Fully Come’. The Holy Spirit came down on the Disciples as they met in the Temple Precinct. As the Holy Spirit came down, the Disciples were speaking in other Known Languages, most supposed they were Drunk with the ‘New Wine’, being only 9 AM. This suggests that Pentecost, 'Fully Came' was when the New Wine Feast commenced. This is what one is arguing. This corroborates with the Triple Count that determines True Pentecost is in the 4th Month. And that the Harvest Types determine the Resurrection Order.  

How so? This Acts 2 Pentecost will account for the Order of the Next Resurrection, which will be the Bride of Christ. This will have constituted all those in Jesus throughout the Church Age, as a Summer Wheat Harvest Type to gather-in, in the 4th Month. The Apostle Paul taught, ‘But now Christ is Risen from the Dead, and has become the First Fruits of those who have fallen Asleep . . . For as in Adam all Die, even so in Christ all shall be made Alive. But each one in his own Order: Christ the First Fruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His Coming’. [Resurrection-Rapture] (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

First Fruits of Barley – Jesus’ Resurrection along with others
This Barley Grain Waving after Passover was typified by the Resurrection of Jesus on the 3rd Day. This is when the First Fruits of the Barley were waved before the Temple. This is why when Jesus rose, there were only several, or a ‘Sample’ of other Saints that rose along with Jesus. These were the Token of the Resurrected Saints that served as a ‘Down Payment’ of the whole Harvest of Souls to come at the End of the Church Age. YHVH gave to Ancient Israel this Typology in the Barley Harvest to represent Jesus Christ's Acceptance by the Father as, ‘The First Fruits of those who have Fallen Asleep.’ (1 Corinthians 15:20).

1. First Fruits of Wheat – 1st Shavuot Count (49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days)
Pentecost is now interpreted and celebrated as a Day Count of 7 Weeks from the Day after Passover, on Nisan 15. This is when the Shavuot is celebrated as the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, on the 50th Day (Deuteronomy. 16:8-11). This was the Wave-Sheaf Ceremony of the First Fruits of Wheat. But it was not the Pentecost of Acts 2. As noted, the Temple Scrolls found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, teach that there were 2 other 50 Day Count Festivals after ‘Pentecost’. The 1st being New Wine or the First Fruits of the Grape Harvest, and 50 Days later, the New Oil of the Olive Harvest. 


2. First Fruits of New Wine – 2nd Shavuot Count (49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days)
One is arguing that this Feast was/is the Pentecost account of Acts 2. It stresses that the Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and is the fulfilment of Joel 2:28. ‘And it shall come to pass in the Last Days, says GOD, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all Flesh.’ (Acts 2:17;). Joel 2 is complimentary of Acts 2 as the Language and Typology of Joel also deals with Wine Metaphors. Paul also referred to the Members of the Church as those, ‘Who have the First Fruits of the Spirit.’ (Romans 8:23). 

3. First Fruits of New Oil – 3rd Shavuot Count (49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days)

This is why one is arguing that the Term, ‘Shavuot’ is indicative of a 49 Day +1 Day Count. But that this 1stt 50-Day Count is now just fixed as a 1-Time Feast, being after Passover. Not realizing that the 2 other ‘Shavuots’ or Pentecosts are still to have been celebrated.  

Tu B’Av
The verses the Apostle Paul used in 1 Corinthians 15 are clearly inferring the Rapture Appearing, not the 2nd Coming Appearing, etc. This is why Acts 2 Pentecost, the 2nd 50 Day Count from the ‘Shavuot’ from the Day after Passover is going to be commemorative of the 2nd Part of the 1st Resurrection of Jesus. His Disciples will then experience the Resurrection-Rapture Event thereafter on this Corresponding Day, one Conjectures. It will be the completion of the Wheat Harvest of Souls having, been planted, watered of the Gentiles being Grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel, throughout the Church Age. The Bride of Christ is now ready for Harvesting, to be ‘Plucked’ or Extracted-Away. When? During a White Wheat Wedding Harvest Time. 


So, how does Tu B’Av factor into the Argument that Pentecost is in the 4th Month and corresponds to the 2nd Half of the Resurrection Order since Christ? One will argue that the Feast of Tu B’Av took place also on the Feast of New Wine and thus correlating to Pentecost of Acts 2. That it is a Typology of the Rapture of the Brides taken from the Vineyard, etc. The Typology and Imagery of the Vineyard is the next best Correlation of what Jesus is doing during the Church Age, as he is Grafting-in the Gentiles that were excluded. The problem is that all End Times Students of Biblical Prophecy take at Face-Value the notion that Tu B’Av occurs in August, in the Month of Av. This is not the case. 


The Jews will admit that the Date is ‘Unknown’. The Month of August or Av has just been arbitrarily chosen since Israel returned to the Promised Land, etc. And? Av starts the Season of Mourning, in which NO Weddings are allowed. The Point is that as the Day Counts are being determined, this Feast is throwing-off all Day Counts. In that, the Feast is being forced to comply with the various Estimates of when the Timing of the Rapture is to take place. One agrees that it is a ‘Rapture’ Type but wrong Month. And so much so, that one argues had taken place on the Feast of New Wine. Evidence?  


Mount Sinai
Note that the Festival of New Wine is the Wedding Festival. It is not listed in Leviticus 23. But it Echoes the Wedding Theme of what happened at Mount Sinai with YHVH and the 70 Elders that meet for a Meal and exchange ‘Vows’. Then thereafter, the Law came down on the 99th Day after leaving Egypt on Nisan 15.

Mount Zion
Fast forward to the LORD’s Supper in the Upper Room or ‘Mountain’, that of Zion, literally called that in Jerusalem, by the way. This was Reminiscent of how now on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, Jesus essentially ‘Proposed’ to the Disciples in a Typology of acquiring a Bride for the Son. Notice how the Last Cup was Postponed. Why? Here is the Clue in that Jesus stated that He would not Drink of that Cup, until it would be Wine that is New, in the Kingdom to Come.

Mount Moriah

After the Supper and Passover, likewise, 99 Days later, in the 4th Month, at the start of the New Wine Harvest, the Holy Spirit came down to indwell the Disciples. And this has been the Course throughout the 7-Fold Church Age that has lasted for nearly 2000 Years. One thus Conjectures, that the Resurrection-Rapture Event to complete the 2nd Half of the Order of the Resurrection. It will likewise be Commemorated on the Day the Holy Spirit came down, i.e., Acts 2 when ‘Pentecost Had Fully Come’, in the Season of the start of the New Wine Festival. Perhaps.  

Wedding at Cana
To reiterate, one is Arguing that there is a Direct Relationship to Tu B’Av and the supposed Connections to Pentecost and its possible Timing of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. Presently, the Minor Jewish Feast called Tu B’Av, i.e., ‘Lovers Day’, is celebrated on the 15th of Av on the Jewish Rabbinical Calendar. This notion will be in the context of how some are linking the New Wine Feast to Tu B’Av to the End of the Pentecost Wheat Harvest. In actuality, one is Arguing that the New Wine Feast is when Pentecost ‘Had Fully Come’ as already discussed. If so, it Commemorates the taking of Maidens in the Vineyards around Shiloh for the Tribe of Benjamin. Evidence?

Due to the brief Israeli Tribal Civil War and Discipline against the Tribe of Benjamin, the majority of Fighting Men were Decimated. The Tribe was on the verge of going Extinct and for the sake of the whole Nation of Israel, a Compromise was reached for their Fellow Tribesmen to continue the Tribal Lineage of Benjamin. As the Bible Account goes, the Virgin Women taken from Jabesh Gilead dressed-up in White and were told to Dance in the Vineyards when the Grapes were Tender, as in the New Wine Season and Time of Year in Israel. This would correspond to Mid-July in the 4th Month, etc.

‘But look, they said, there is a Yearly Feast to YHVH in Shiloh, so they Commanded the Benjamites:  Go, hide in the Vineyards and Watch.  When you see the Daughters of Shiloh come out to Perform their Dances, each of you is to come out of the Vineyards, catch [Snatch as in Rapture] for himself a Wife from the Daughters of Shiloh, and go to the Land of Benjamin....the Benjamites did as instructed and Carried Away the Number of Women they needed from the Dancers they Caught.  They went back to their own Inheritance, Rebuilt their Cities, and Settled them’. -Judges 21:19-23 


According to the Biblical Account the Men of Benjamin that were left alive were instructed to lie-in-wait and to ‘Snatch’ or as some see it, ‘Rapture’ their Bride away. However, some Critics of the Elder’s Decision insinuated that it was a ‘Rape’ rather than ‘Rapture’. So, Typologies can only go so far. In this case, the Women were taken from the City of Benjamin that did not meet at the Required Times before YHVH at Shiloh. And all their Men of Benjamin were Killed for not attending. It was these Women that were given to the surviving Men of Benjamin.   


The next Piece of Evidence for a New Wine Typology of the Timing of the Rapture and Conclusion of the Church Age and Age of Man, really since Adam, that being 6000 Years, is what many see in John 2, the Wedding of Cana. For context, the Bible associates New Wine with a Harvest. The Wedding of Cana occurred at the End of the Wheat Harvest. The New Wine was Miraculous, saved for Last and was the Best. This speaks, Prophetically, how during the Church Age, Jesus has saved the ‘Best for Last’.

The 6 Empty Jars of Wine Symbolize the ‘Emptiness’ of Humanity without Jesus Christ. It is a Metaphor for the 6000 Years since Adam that has left Humanity ‘Void’. And only when the New Wine comes at the End will the 7th Day or the Millennial Kingdom be a Time of New Wine, etc. Notice that the occasion took place on the 3rd Day. This is exactly how on Mount Sinai, it was on the 3rd Day that Israel was instructed to Prepare.

The Rapture is the Marriage Covenant Completed
Like a Bride, they were to be Purified to meet the YHVH, their ‘Groom’, at the Foot of the Mountain and hear His Marriage Proposal, etc.The Jews understand plainly that Sinai is when Israel Married YHVH. It was a Marriage Covenant much like with Jesus ‘Proposed’ and Enacted the Marriage Covenant, called the ’New Covenant’ during the Passover Meal with His Disciples. In Jewish Tradition, a Marriage Covenant begins with a Written Contract. At Sinai, that was the 10 Commandments. In the LORD’s Supper, it was called a Ketubah, and a Wedding Ceremony is conducted under a Canopy, Chuppah in Hebrew. And?  



1. Golden Calf – New Wine
The Exodus 32:17 Account is that of the 99th Day of how Moses likewise alluded to the Revelry of the Camp being consumed with ‘The Banquet of Wine’, or New Wine in this case. It is a Parody of what occurred or inferred that took place in Acts 2. It was a similar Inference to a supposed ‘Revelry’ by the Disciples who were accused of being Drunk on the New Wine, etc.  

2. Jesus – New Wine
The Temple Scroll states that no one could drink New Wine, until the Offering had been made at the Temple. This is what Jesus precisely declared to His Disciples, as a Bridegroom would say. After their Communion with His disciples that Last Passover, Jesus stated, ‘But I say to you, I will not Drink from now on this Fruit of the Vine, until that Day when I drink it 'New' with you in my Father's kingdom’. (Matthew 26:29)

The next Major Feast of YHVH, correlating to the Menorah Pattern is the Feast of Trumpets. This occurs after these Minor Summer Festivals of New Wheat, Wine and Oil. In summary, one has Argued that Pentecost is not the single 50th Day, or 1 Day after the Shavuot of the 49 Days, from the Day after Passover. One would agree that this is the ‘1st Shavuot’ Count or 50-Day of a Tripel Count that corresponds to the 1st Feast of New Grain and occurs in Sivan. The 2nd Summer Minor Feast would thus correspond to the 2nd 50-Day Shavuot or ‘Pentecost’, when this one ‘Had Fully Come’. Then, the 3rd Shavuot or Pentecost 50-Day Count would correspond to the Feast of New Oil, etc.  


If that be the case, then the Feast of New Wine, being the ‘2nd Shavuot’ Day Count of the 49 Days + 1 Day or 50 Day Count, according to the Temple Scrolls, would occur in July, the 4th Month of Tammuz. This is precisely why the 2nd Shavuot 50 Day Count would be correct. This would then be Evidence that both the 2nd Feast of New Wine does indeed coincide with the Pentecost of Acts 2, being in the 4th Month of Tammuz. One is being Repetitive for Emphasis. Why? If the Tripel Count Theory is correct, this then sheds some Amazing Insight into when the Rapture Timing could actually take place. If this is the case, that is precisely what one is arguing. Then from the 2nd Shavuot 49 Day Count + 1 Day, is the True Pentecost of Acts 2 and corresponds to the Feast of New Wine.

                                   Feast of New Grain             Feast of New Wine          Feast of New Oil
Day after Passover        1st Shavuot                          2nd Shavuot                    3rd Shavuot

     Nisan 15-------------------- Sivan ---------------------------  Tammuz  ------------------------ Elul

The point is that when the Holy Spirit came down on the Pentecost of Acts 2, that is the 50-Day Count that one is arguing, corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. And that it is likened to New Wine Spiritually, i.e., the New Covenant. It is a Time when there was a ‘Turning’ of Dispensations and perhaps will again. And how, until that time comes, the Pentecost that started in Acts 2, which is the Harvest of Souls, is still occurring during the Church Age.  


True Pentecost of the 2nd 50-Day Count has not been ‘Done and Over with’. It is still in the Present Tense, occurring. It is the New Covenant that has been operating but is to conclude in this Last Generation. When? This to infer that in an up-coming True Pentecost Feast, as Acts 2, The New Covenant will revert back to the Sinai Covenant as Israel will be under the Mosaic Law during the Tribulation Period. Perhaps at a Pentecost, as that is the Feast where the change in Dispensation or Covenants started to Change. 


Main Sources
Ken Johnson



New Dead Sea Scroll Translation Reveals Anti-Temple Calendar 


Tu B'Av 


Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar
Ken Johnson 



Determining the End of the Church Age

Prophetic Message of Who GOD Wants to Show  


Study of the Prophetic Converges for Church Age

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