Luis Vega (14 May 2023)
"MAKE AMERICA GODLY AGAIN - Jesus Christ is the Only Hope"


Jesus Christ is the Only Hope

by Luis B. Vega   

‘If I close the Sky so there is no Rain, or if I command the Locust to devour the Land, or if I send a Plague among My People, and if My People who are Called by My Name Humble themselves and Pray and Seek My Face and Turn from their Wicked Ways, then I will Hear from Heaven, Forgive their Sin, and Heal their Land. Now My Eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the Prayers offered in this Place.’ –2 Chronicles 7:13-15

The following is a Link to 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise like this one related to the Theme of ‘Making America Godly Again’. The Stores mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles. Is it too Late for the USA? Has it crossed the Point of No Return? Some People have given-up Hope that the USA will return to Jesus.

Obama had declared, as President, that the USA, ‘Was no longer a Christian Nation’. To a large part, he was and is Correct. In fact, some National Surveys taken after the COVID Pandemic measured how Generation Z, is the least Evangelized Generation since the USA became a Nation. In 2022, Gallup reported that only 20% of Americans Believe Bible as the Literal Word of GOD. In a 2020 survey by the Pew Research Center, now only 65% of Adults in the United States identified themselves as ‘Christians’.

The Trend is Decreasing fast, to the point that by 2025, the Christian Population in the USA will be less than 50% or Half of the Adult Population. And? The Salt and the Lights are Diminishing, so what does one then expect in the Last Generation? But what is replacing the Gospel of Jesus? Worse is that of those remaining or who still call themselves ‘Christian’, the vast majority are full of Churches who are Run and Taught by Jezebels and Nicolaitans. And what would be and is the Main Issue at the Center of the Christian Debate? Sex.

So, one asks again, is it too Late for the USA? Perhaps, but not for any 1 Person Individually. And perhaps, by 1 Person, America can be Godly Again, as that is what made her Mighty and Strong. The Free Online Link, specifically to the Poster of ‘Making America Godly Again’, is at the following Address.

Make American Godly Again
Poster PDF Format

One can Download this Poster and Print or have for Personal Reference and/or Study. One can take the PDF on a Thumb Drive, and if so desired, go to one’s local Printing Shop to print out a Copy based on desired Size, etc.

However, the Request to have the Posters Ordered for Purchasing Online, like with Zazzle, has been made out of Convenience, as also Requested. The Online Link to the Zazzle Store, specific to this ‘Make American Godly Again’ Poster is as follows.

Many of the Stores have a Poster made concerning the Topic at hand, where one can Download all those for Free, as well, from one’s Main Website under the ‘Posters’ Tab.

Your Support and Patronage is Greatly Appreciated, as you Help such an Independent Researcher, Citizen Journalist, Author, Writer and Graphic Artist as myself.

