Lewis Brackett (21 May 2023)
"Prophetic turkey and cobbler :)"

I can foretell you all will love these recipes thanksgiving or mid summer bash!

my 6 pound turkey breast recipe.... About 350 degrees..
sprinkle favorite seasons over turkey rum in.
Put thawed turkey in pan. pour liquid butter with fresh rosemary over it'
repeat the liquid butter every 30 to 40 minutes
check with thermometer after 2 hours somewhere around 2 1/2 hours is done
ALL of it will be soft tender PERFECT !!!

Cornbread  Cobbler
dump  box of cornbread MUFFIN mix  into pan.
dump one can whole berry cranberry in too (same for peach)
add just enough water you won't need much
mix and put in cardboard dixie cups 2/3rds full makes about 8 cups..
put level tablespoon brown sugar on top. insert one slice of peach if desired .
bake as to box..usually 325--to 350.....  shove it in oven as you sit
down to supper & do timer
try with fork till done... fruit may lengthen time  ... IMPORTANT MUST
eat when you take out of oven, it gets stale Fast!!!

 NOTE an 8x8  tray of  cobbler with same ingredients will take over an
hour to cook
Thanks, Lewis