Lewis Brackett (14 May 2023)
"5 Reasons why King Charles could be the AntiChrist"

King Charles has the best of three claims to be the hereditary "king
of Jerusalem" from the Holy Roman Empire Crusader King of Jerusalem.
  The royal genealogy published 1902 shows Charles is descended from
David and Solomon, so has a "holy devine right" birthright to rule.
   This same genealogy shows Charles is 153 generations from Adam and
Eve.  Remember the 153 fish in Matthew?
   Charles became King seven years before 2030, now likely the year of
the Rapture and 7 years before Armageddon!
   Charles becomes king seven years before the far end of the 80 years
((3 score and 10, a generation )) since Israel became  nation in
1948/49 ...