Gino (28 May 2023)
"replacement aspect (supersessionism) of amillennialism?"

Amillennialism does not believe that Jesus is returning to establish a thousand year kingdom, ruling from David's throne, and fulfilling many promises to Israel.
Also, there is an aspect of amillennialism, referred to by some, as replacement theology, or supersessionism.
This is the teaching that the church has superseded Israel as the chosen people of the LORD, that the church has replaced Israel as the covenant people.
Apparently for this 
replacement view, the thought of Israel being back in the land, is too difficult to believe, as it apparently isn't allowed for, by that view.
So, rather than adjusting the view to accommodate a returned Israel, a wilder view of the return is adjusted.
There are those, now, who claim that the return of Israel is not the return of Israel at all, but rather one of the biggest con games of the centuries.
They claim that those in Israel are not descended from Jacob, but rather are descendants of ancient people from Ukraine & Kazakstan, i.e. the Khazars.
They believe that this ruse is so good, that it has deceived the nations of the entire world, as well as their own grandchildren.

In light of the histories of Jewish people in muslim lands from Persia to Morocco, as well as in European lands, over 1500 years,
how can it be believed that all those people were not descended from Jacob?
They, themselves, as well as the people who ruled those lands which they lived in,
as well as the people in those lands that even hated them, recorded that they were Jews.
Those that hated them, and persecuted them, did so, because they believed that they were Jews.
It was from those different lands that both the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews migrated back to Israel, especially after 1948.
To think that these people had completely fooled all those nations for 1500 years, is too much.
Then adding to this, that the nation with its ancient name, Israel, appeared again, after WWII.
Then, also, that people from all over the world, began to migrate back to there, claiming that they were descendants of Jacob, returning to their ancient homeland.
That this migration took place even while the little nation in the 50's and 60's was surrounded by countries that kept invading them.
That the ancient language of the ancient nation is actually spoken there by the worldwide migrants and their children.
That the ancient currency of the ancient nation is used there again.
That they survived major assaults against them, by much larger forces surrounding them, and even recovered the other parts of their ancient nation.
That they recovered sovereignty over the capital city of their ancient nation.
That they have grown to be a powerful economy and military.
That these things were prophesied to come to pass in the latter days.
That, and more, is too miraculous to think it was a grand deception pulled off by Khazars.
Apparently, it is easier for some to believe that all that happened by Khazars fooling the world, rather than to believe that the LORD would keep his promises to Israel.
Maybe, that is why many that believe this way, will not realize that the antichrist and battle of Armageddon have arrived.
Since they don't really believe that it is Israel returned to the land.
After all, how will they be able to believe that some man is the antichrist, i.e. anti-messiah, when they do not believe that there is a people or a land any more?
If they do not believe that Jesus is going to return as the true Messiah of Israel, to rule from David's throne for a thousand years,
why would they consider that someone will first show up as the anti-messiah?
So, is the replacement aspect (supersessionism) of amillennialism actually a very dangerous doctrine?
