Gerry Almond (14 May 2023)

    May 13, 2023


    I suggest the possibility that America has between 51 or 54 days left before our removal?  I am hoping for it soon, just as all of you are.  It is dependent to a large extent, I think, on the gestation period of a human child. That is 280 days and I have extensively written about it.

    The first Jewish delegates in many years were seated in the U. N. on May 11, 1948.  Three days later, the U. N. voted to establish the new state of Israel on May 14, 1948.  So, 280 days later, that is after May 11, 1948, Israel had its Knesset government on February 14, 1949.  Three days more and she had her first Prime Minister on February 17, 1949.  

    Going back to its birth in the U. N.; it was to be born in there on May 14, 1948 but Jewish delegates were seated on May 11, 1948.  So, 280 days before these delegates were seated, there was the atomic bomb testing at Almagordo, N. Mexico, leading to a rapid development of the hydrogen bomb, the nuclear fire that may be the undoing of many nations in our future world.  I believe it to be the great sword to be given to the red horse rider.  So, one gestation period before her conception in the U. N., Israel's conception came in with a big bang. And 280 days before that was Halloween.  This pattern of 280 days seems endless.  And it is not producing a pretty picture for the world that is in absolute defiance of God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.

    This portends for us, the ready Christians, called in Revelation 3 by the name Philadelphia. These are the evangelical, fundamental ones living for Jesus. The harlot Church is called Laodicea, and is described in that same Scripture passage as “the church in the world. Its destiny is to be left behind, evidently to help bring in a massive harvest of souls from this evil and corrupt world. I have written about this also (refer to prior posts on five doves).


    Gerry Almond