Fay (28 May 2023)
"The Archbishop of Canterbury this Week"


Hi John and Doves,

This is unheard of. And it's outrageous. The British people have been very patient with the amount of 'asylum seekers' (economic migrants, in reality). But we are all aware that there is something terribly amiss. It has become obvious that this is about people trafficking. A very lucrative business, it seems. The Archbishop is attacking the government's attempts to solve the crisis, calling it "immoral".

What is immoral is the strain this crisis has placed on our NHS, our schools etc. It has been mishandled to an appalling degree. Justin Portal Welby is also a 'climate change' enthusiast. And let's not forget that he is an "Agenda Contributor" for the World Economic Forum. What on earth is Welby doing - dictating to parliament in this way? Nobody elected this man. Grrrrr!

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to step up his attacks on the government | Daily Mail Online