Fay (14 May 2023)
"Chance re Dr Mike Weadon"


Hi Chance, John and Doves,

This would freak me out if not for my faith. The good doctor speaks truth! Thank the LORD God that I know that it is only HE that allows these things and that it's all for a purpose. People are simply being forced into a choice. And that choice has not been made clear in an "in your face" kind of way. It has been subtle. Until the full force of the great tribulation hits - a lot of people will not realise this. Simply because they are blinded by the here and now. Thank Almighty God for my faith. For the privilege of being granted wisdom. Having my spiritual eyes opened. He is always in control.

Thank you, Abba Father God. In Jesus' beloved, precious Name.

Warning from Dr. Mike Yeadon (fivedoves.com)