Chance (21 May 2023)
"And Another Big Quake Same Area"

Hello John and Doves,
Another big quake, following the 7.7 - 8.0 magnitude quake SE of the Loyalty Islands on May 19.  See my other letter to Doves today:  "Huge Quake Just Rattled the Earth - a 7.7 - 8.0 Magnitude."
This one is a 7.4 magnitude, May 20 (it's still May 19 where I live).  Wow.  Two big ones in less than 24 hours!  In the same area.  This is crazy!
That fault line has to be reeling from these!  And then all the pressure put on the other faults! 
Check at Dutchsinse earthquake predictions mentioned in the other Doves letter today.  He has a 7 to 10 day earthquake warning out.  He's right on! 
 Here's his channel:
(97) dutchsinse - YouTube
Not good.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!