Chance (21 May 2023)
"Something Interesting From James Woods"

Hello John and Doves,
Just came across this today, May 19, on James Woods tweeter page:
He tweeted:  "There is something massive they are hiding.  Whenever the left throw up all this chaff, you know there's something afoot.  "Gender" nonsense, trillion dollar "reparations", and the fake hysteria is designed to distract from something big and truly bad."
James Woods on Twitter: "There is something massive they are hiding. Whenever the left throws up all this chaff, you know there’s something afoot. “Gender” nonsense, trillion dollar “reparations,” all the fake hysteria is designed to distract from something big and truly bad." / Twitter
I tend to agree with most everything he writes.
And this bares watching..."something wicked this way comes".  I can guess it's the CBDC change over, something at the border, false flag attack on continental US, some bad bill in the Senate, some evil new Executive Order.....??
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!