Chance (21 May 2023)
"Biden's Climate Czar - America's Farmland is On The Chopping Block"

Hello John and Doves,
We've seen what's been happening in the Netherlands with the Dutch government seizing the farmer's land because of the bogus "climate emergency".
John Kerry, Biden's Climate Czar, spoke at the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate Summit held recently in D.C  He is pushing for the same thing in the U.S. - "Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical "green agenda" goals laid out by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.  According to the former Secretary of State, the world can't tackle climate change without first addressing the agriculture sector's emissions - and farmers in the U.S. are front and center of his plans."
"A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the worldWe can't get to net-zero, we don't get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.  So all of us understand here the depths of this mission."
The Netherland's is using a plan to offer 120% of a livestock farm's value in a "buyout" program - if the farmer refuses to sell his land, he will be forcibly removed with ZERO compensation. 
"If this plan proves to be successful, it is likely to be replicated in other countries..." the U.S.
The Dutch government has already implemented their MANDATROY buyout (expropriation scheme)  - "The Dutch government is offering to buy out up to 3,000 "peak polluter" farms and major industrial polluters in an attempt to reduce ammonia and nitrogen oxide emissions that are illegal under EU law....For the first time, the government has said that forced buyouts will follow next year if the voluntary measures fail.  The group of 2,000 to 3,000 "peak polluters" - who are "mostly farmers"...will be offered a final set of choices:  innovate drastically reduce emissions, transition to a new kind of business, extend in ways that reduce their impact, relocate or "voluntarily stop"."  The government wants a 30% reduction in livestock by 2030 also. 
Up to 3,000 ‘peak polluters’ given last chance to close by Dutch government | Environment | The Guardian
"The European Commission on Tuesday said it had approved two Dutch plans worth a combined 1.47 billion euros to buy out livestock farmers to reduce nitrogen pollution, saying they are permissible under state aid rules.  The Dutch need to reduce excess nitrogen levels...the Netherlands reserved the money to compensate farmers who voluntarily close farms located near nature reserves."
EU okays $1.61 billion for Dutch government to buy out farmers, reduce nitrogen | Reuters
"Cattle are the No. 1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide.  Each year, a single cow will belch about 220 pounds of methane.   Methane from cattle is shorter lived than carbon dioxide but 28 times more potent in warming the atmosphere..."
Cows and Climate Change | UC Davis
This article fails to mention that this 28 times more potent in warming the atmosphere is over a 100-year timescale. 
So we are talking about huge percentages of our atmosphere as CO2 and methane?
And carbon dioxide is 0.04% (or 421 ppm) of the atmosphere as of May 2022.  It's a 'trace' gas.
Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere - Wikipedia
And methane makes up about 0.00018 percent of the atmosphere.  We can barely measure it.
Methane Matters
Wow!!  And numerous peer-reviewed documents have shown ZERO man-made global warming! (reported in previous Dove letters)  But one is hard pressed with google to find any of them now - this topic is so controlled.  

The Netherlands: Facts, figures, and farm trends in the dairy sector - Dairy Global
Why are THEY attacking Dutch farmers?  Because the Netherlands is the second-largest exporter of agricultural goods in the world~  And they are the leader in "efficient and sustainable agriculture".
  The Netherlands in 2017 exported $111 billion worth of agriculture goods; $10 billion in flowers and $7.4 billion in vegetables.
As for the dairy farmers in The Netherlands:
The Netherlands produces about 14 billion kg of milk a year and 4% of the global cheese production. They are in the top-5 global dairy exporters.  With New Zealand, the U.S., Belarus and Germany.  Cheese and milk powder are major exports - and 70% of the exports go to Belgium, Germany and France.  Outside of the EU - China, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, SK and Japan are top importers.
The Netherlands: Facts, figures, and farm trends in the dairy sector - Dairy Global
So the E.U. is cutting off their own countries in the E.U. from exports from The Netherlands dairy farms.  Plus countries outside of the E.U.  Milk powder is a very common ingredient in food products and baking.
Dairy farms is only the beginning in the reduction of global gases in their 'climate emergency' agenda!
And who is the number 1 exporter of agricultural goods in the world - the U.S.!!  
And small farms are "significant emitters of nitrogen, according to Biden's "climate czar" John Kerry who is pushing for the U.S. federal government to crack down on farming in America to combat "global warming".
So THEY are hitting the two big agricultural producers in the world - the U.S. and The Netherlands. This is not by coincidence.  This is planned attack on feeding the population.  As they destroy the farms/farmland - the countries that import this food will need to look elsewhere, but there is no "elsewhere" as everyone  will feel this massive drop in available food.
As more and more countries jump on this 'bandwagon', the food production industry will take more and more hits.  How can THEY "massively" reduce farming and still feed 8 billion people?  They can't.  Looks like they plan to starve us out.  THEY have nothing to replace farmed food with!  They aren't building massive numbers of cricket or grasshopper farms.
And THEY don't want people eating beef, or chickens, or sheep, or....
In the past, EU laws "have prevented the sale of insects for human consumption."  But recently the EU has approved the sale "of the larvae in powder, frozen, paste and dried forms."  Lesser mealworms and house crickets will become the third and fourth insects that can be sold as food for people in the European Union.  Eight more applications await approval."
"Disgust is seen as the biggest hurdle for the introduction of insects to the Western food market." 
And only a handful of studies have actually been done to look at the big picture - is raising insects overall worse for the planet than raising plants? 
Insects on the menu as EU approves two for human consumption – DW – 01/24/2023
On a side note, I purchase mealworms for my wild birds - it's not cheap.  A 5 pound bag is $30.67 at Chewy.  And the cost would go significantly up with a rating:  human consumption. 
For a human to eat enough insects in a day would be VERY expensive.  And at this site, 5 pounds of roasted crickets is $149.50 marked down from $185.99!!  Wow!!

"..the edible insect market is projected to soar from $55m in 2017 to roughly $710m by 2024, fueled by growing demand for high-protein and convenience foods."
The business of eating bugs - BBC Worklife
$710 million certainly doesn't even begin to cover enough "insects" for the billions of people they 'plan' to feed by 2030.  Guess they'll have some 'lab created food' to throw in! 
I just don't see the investment happening to change over from farm products....cows - meat/dairy; chicken - meat/eggs, turkey, pigs, etc.  Where are the huge investments?  Where are the big insect farms?  Where are the replacement factories?
But then, "saving the planet" and "feeding 8 billion people" isn't what this is's about depopulation.  And mass producing of insects for food also involves "producing greenhouse gases" - and will never get to Net Zero like they want.  One just can't get away from it and this is how God made the world.
And THEY pick and choose 'the science" that supports their agenda.  Just like they've done for Covid/Covid "vaccine".  I have no doubt, the same people are behind all of this.
This is no different from their attack on energy - fossil fuels.  They have not built huge wind farms or put up millions of solar panels in anticipation of the 2030 change over.  We aren't seeing any of this...and that's less than 7 years away!   
And I've wondered about the huge landfills/dumps, especially for the big cities like NYC, Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas, LA - not a peep about this and its affects on the environment!!  They pick and choose what they want to attack.  And what they think humans will accept - like "saving the planet"!
There is only one reason for all of this - they aren't expecting 8 billion people to be on Earth in 6.5 years.
Depopulation through reducing food production, reducing energy sources.  This will lead to mass starvation.
He who controls the food, controls the people.  He who controls the energy controls countries.
This "climate change", "climate emergency" really is a distraction from something else...nefarious plotting and planning.  Because they aren't following through with energy replacement or food replacement - certainly not at the levels needed.  And surely the public can see this?!!  They have something big coming.  Maybe James Woods is right - see my other Doves letter today.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!