Chance (14 May 2023)
"Russel Brand Interviewed Robert Kennedy Jr. - Very Intersting"

Hello John and Doves,
Russel Brand has yet another great video - this time with an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Robert is polling with Democrats around 20% - if we can believe the polls!  (I'm sure THEY want the people to think 90% of Democrats support Biden!!  What a joke!)
RFK Jr. talked about numerous things I've written about to Doves concerning the Covid "vaccine" - backing up what I wrote about from numerous other sources.  
For example, Operation Warp Speed wasn't run by HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA - nope - it was run by NSA (NSA is a national-level intelligence agency of the U.S. Department of Defense.  So the DoD was running Operation Warp Speed!). 
(I had a whole letter to Doves in February about the vaccines not being developed by Pfizer, Moderna, etc - and they were not manufactured by Pfizer. Moderna, etc.  They were developed by NIH and manufactured by military contractors.  Pfizer, Moderna, etc were the "cover" companies to make people think they manufactured these...and they were promised full immunity from any liability.
Robert said the "vaccine" was a "military project from the beginning."  And he talked about some 20 different simulations on coronavirus pandemics.  (I've written about many of these).  He knows a whole lot more than I could ever research.  And he also noted the primary goal of totalitarian control of the population.

KanekoaTheGreat on Twitter: "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. details how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warspeed's COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this…" / Twitter
In this letter from February 2023 to Doves I have links to videos with Sasha Latypova - she backs up what RFK Jr says here...except she takes it even further.  RFK Jr. doesn't talk about 
She is a whistleblower on the origins of the Covid-19 "vaccine".  She said this "vaccine" is a weapon against the people - a depopulation weapon. She has access to information showing that the "Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Seep was the Department of Defense.  And that the "demo"/fake manufacturers were Pfizer/Moderna etc and that the actual manufacturing was done by DoD contractors like BD, Maranthon Medical, Patheon, Corning, etc/
What the DoD Has Done
The whistleblower information perfectly backs up what RFK Jr said in this interview.
RFK Jr believes that the Covid-19 "vaccine" is the deadliest vaccine ever made...based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS)  He has been vilified by the press, Instagram removed his vaccine information, the MSM and most 'news' sites constantly corrected what he said or claimed he was presenting dangerous misinformation.  Facebook, Youtube, Twitter all censored him.
Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship • Children's Health Defense
I am so glad that Russell interviewed this man - as Russell has several million followers - this will help get the news out there as to what our own DoD has done to us!  (Add this to the China spy balloon that the DoD helped with it's data collecting mission and the Chinese green laser lights over Hawaii. The DoD has sold us out in many ways!)
And I wonder if we can add the open border to the DoD's attack and ultimate take down of the United States!!  Looks like we can:   It was the DHS and DoD that cancelled border wall projects that involved diverted funds from military construction - even though protecting our borders should involve our military! - and DHS and DoD ended the building of more border wall.  So DHS is in cahoots with DoD in their destruction of the country!  Leaving the borders wide open to America's enemies!
With the connections to the Chinese CCP - is sure looks like our DoD heads are traitors.  And there are more than likely lots of Chinese troops crossing our southern border and Chinese military in Panama that have been coming up through Mexico...things are going to get really really ugly in America.  And if this "vaccine" that the DoD pushed on the American people (which many believe is more than just about totalitarian control) is part of a binary bioweapon involved with the CCP - those Chinese soldiers could be bringing the second part with them!!
I hope people wake up and listen to RJK Jr and start connecting the dots.  He has a website: the Defender Children's Health Defense News and Views
Big Pharma Archives • Children's Health Defense
As things continue to unwind and the truth starts getting out - THEY won't take one step back!  They'll unleash the hounds of hell on us!
God help us!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!