Chance (14 May 2023)
"Ascension Day 2023"

Hello John and Doves,
Adding another date to look at for Ascension Day - May 20, Saturday, the weekly Sabbath - Shabbat!  I explain this new date below.
In my other letter today, "Israeli Operation Shield and Arrow and Ascension Day", I wrote about Ascension Day being around May 16 to May 19 - because there are different thoughts on which day is Day 1 for the 40 day count.  And the Jewish days are sunset to sunset, so we have May 16 to May 17 as one possible date and May 18 and May 19 as another possible date.  And then there is the simple 40 day count from Easter - May 18.  So it is a small window anyway.
And during this time period is Jerusalem Day - the day East and West Jerusalem became one city again.  This is very prophetically significant!  Jerusalem is the apple of God's eye. This occurred on the 28th of Iyar which is May 19th in Israel.  May 19th is the Friday before the weekly Sabbath or Shabbat.
Ascension Day is not listed in Leviticus 23 as a Feast of the Lord.  But this was a very important day.  It was a "Jesus/Christian" day.  And it occurred at the end of a very special 40 day period.  Those 40 days were specific for Jesus to meet with His followers and talk with them before He left for His heavenly kingdom to sit on the right hand of God.
Will the Rapture happen on this day?  The Rapture is not for the Jewish people - it is for the Gentiles.  Once 'the Church' has been removed from the Earth, God will turn His attention back to dealing with the Jewish people, His 'chosen' - to finish out the 70th Week of Daniel.  This time period is known as the Tribulation period - the time of Jacob's Trouble. 
When the Galileans that were with Jesus that day on the Mount of Olives watched Him ascend into the clouds, two angels appeared with them.  In Acts 1:11 the angels said, "Men of Galilee..why stand ye gazing up into heaven?  This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven." 
Jesus was taken up into the clouds and will return someday in the clouds. That is the Rapture.  These Galileans/Jews probably thought the angels were talking about what we call the Second Coming.  This is what Jesus talked to them about many times.  They did not know about the Rapture.  The Rapture was explained much later by Paul to the Gentiles.  First to the Thessalonians.
On the day of the Rapture, Jesus comes in the clouds for His Believers; He does not come to the Earth.  At the Second Coming Jesus comes down to the Earth.
The Galileans then returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives - they were a Sabbath day's journey away.  Acts 1:12  This is mentioned because it was a Jewish law - on weekly Sabbaths (Shabbat) and High Holy Days, they could travel no further than a Sabbath day's journey. So Ascension Day took place either on a Shabbat (Saturday) or on a High Holy Day.  The next High Holy Day after Feast of Firstfruits is Feast of Weeks - but that is too far out for the 40 day count, if the count is being done correctly.  
Jesus meets His followers one last time in Galilee on the Mount of Olives:  Acts 1:3 says "He appeared to them over a span of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God."  It looks like the 40 days started when He met them in Galilee probably on the Mount of Olives, on His Resurrection Day (Jerusalem is only a Sabbath day's journey from there) - for in Matthew 28:7 the angel at the tomb told the women to "...go quickly and tell His disciples, "He has risen from the dead is going ahead of you into Galilee.  There you will see Him."  Then in verse 10, Jesus Himself, meets the women that are on their way to tell the news to the disciples, and says "Do not be afraid...God and tell My brothers to go to Galilee.  There they will see Me."  So it looks like the 40 day count starts this day.  (They knew exactly where in Galilee to meet Jesus - where they had spent much time with Him on the Mount of Olives.)
According to the above given dates for Ascension Day this year - none fall on the weekly Sabbath. How can it fall on a weekly Sabbath?  That would be a Saturday.  Unless we are counting wrong...  
Some believe the Jesus died on April 6, 30 AD.  That was a Thursday.  So Feast of Firstfruits would have been two days later on Nisan 16, a weekly Sabbath - the people came to the tomb the day after Shabbat (Matthew 28:1  "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to to see the tomb." - so that would have been on Sunday, May 9.  Counting 40 days takes us to.....May 19, 30 AD - the day before the weekly Sabbath May 20. The 41st day would be on Ascension Day that would still fulfill the scripture of Jesus "appearing to them over a span of forty days" not including Ascension Day.  And that would match up with Acts 1:12.
Passover Dates 26-34AD
Applying that counting to today, adjusting Passover 2023 to April 6, a Thursday (just like in 30 AD and many believe Jesus was crucified on a Thursday)...and counting 40 days from the following day after the Sabbath (that would be April 9, Sunday, at dawn) takes us to the same date as above, the 41st day - May 20 is the weekly Sabbath.
That date makes more sense to me in looking at the scriptures than that other dates for Ascension Day.
Nothing more is said in Acts about this miraculous disappearance of the Lord into the cloud.  The Galileans return to Jerusalem to wait for the promised Holy Spirit.
Having the Rapture occur on a Jewish Sabbath would be quite the message to the Jewish people.  It would be a message that the Church Age is now over...and now God has moved on to deal with the Jewish people.  Garry B has written extensively about the Rapture occurring on a Sabbath (Shabbat)
These dates are all coming in the week ahead.  If these pass, then on to Feast of Weeks and Pentecost.
Aaron has been looking at Ascension Day also - 
(90) Ascension Day ⬆️ & The Heavens ⭐️ - YouTube
run time 7:03
Praying for His soon coming.  May we all meet soon in the air!  Hallelujah!