Paul N. F. (15 May 2022)
"Create in Me a Clean Heart, 0 God"

“Create in Me a Clean Heart, 0 God”

By A. W. Tozer

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
   --John 3:3

    The miracle of the new birth was foreshadowed in the Old Testament record: “Create in me a clean heart,
0 God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

    There was at least a hint of miracle within the human breast­not the reasoning of yourself into a position,
but something happening that could not be explained!

    Coming into the New Testament, there is no longer any hinting or suggesting about the miracle of the
new birth - - it is boldly and openly declared.  Our Saviour said that if we come to Him and are not born
again, we cannot enter the kingdom of God - - that we must be born from above.

    Paul told the Corinthians: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.”

    You couldn’t make it any stronger than that! Some-thing happens in a man’s nature that no man can

    Just the moment that a man’s experience in Christ can be broken down and explained by the
psychologists, we have a church member on our hands - - and not a Christian!

    For that which must happen in the new birth can never be explained by psychology or psychiatry.
The professional can only stand off respectfully and say,  “Behold the works of the Lord.” 
He can never explain it!

    And in that great and terrible day to come, many will be shocked when they find that they depended
upon a mental assent to Christianity instead of upon the miracle of the new birth!

Yours in Christ,

Paul N. F.