Fay (29 May 2022)
"Alarming Bible Code. Rabbi G."

Hi John and Doves,

The Bible Code table in the link is one of the most clear I have ever seen. Very well worth the watch. The code indicates a very close connection between the USA and Iran regarding an "agreement". It is clear that this agreement is referring to the JCPOA which the United Nations, USA, European Union, Russia etc., are all desperate to complete. In the code, this agreement involves the atom bomb and Uranium which endangers Israel. As soon as this "agreement" is finalised, wars will begin.

While the desperate lunge for the JCPOA to be finalised has been under the media radar, for now, there are massive efforts going on to have Iran sign up to it. It is mystifying why it's SO important for this to be signed. Iran is doing it's thing anyway. No formal agreement is going to change anything. And it's doubly mystifying as to why ALL the nations want this JCPOA to be signed - despite the fact that war has broken out with Russia. Let's face it - all western governments and institutions are against Russia. There is something horribly murky going on. I still maintain that we are witnessing a game of thrones battle. One that involves conquering Jerusalem. They are ALL after claiming Jerusalem and want Iran to do the dirty work for them. After all - it would not look good for a non Islamic nation to randomly attack Israel. That would alert even the most sceptical of unbelievers.

Russia has desperately wanted the JCPOA signed. They have featured in the ongoing talks as a major player for the JCPOA. Everything we are seeing (Ukraine war, Covid-19, Monkeypox etc) are all ruses. Weakening the nation's people - wearing us out. The REAL reason for every single little thing is the evil resolve to conquer Jerusalem. Do not doubt it, Doves. This is solid Bible prophecy.

We are on the verge of something major. It's only a matter of time before Israel is attacked by Iran d it's proxies a la Psalm 83. Which will then open the door for all the nations to unite to attack Israel a la Ezekiel 38. We need to keep a very close eye on the JCPOA shenanigans. Once this is completed, the dominoes will fall into place. The enemy - the devil - must know that his time is short. Hence all the chaos.

Please come, LORD Jesus.
