Fay (15 May 2022)
"The Funeral on Mount Zion"


Hi John and Doves,

The chaotic scenes in East Jerusalem on Friday May 13th were not covered by many media outlets. Al Jazeera provided the only extensive coverage. Of course, the anti Israel sentiment that went with the coverage was off the charts. Watching the footage, it was apparent that the "Palestinians" were milking this for every single drop. The film footage is damaging for Israel. In the 2nd link is an article from the Daily Mail (found way down from any headline news). At least this article allowed Israel to explain why the funeral procession turned violent.

The news link is from CBS and is loaded with anti Israel bias. It's difficult to find film footage from a neutral source. The footage makes the IDF look bad. All and sundry are climbing on the bandwagon to condemn Israel. Remember - this all took place in East Jerusalem. The prophetic importance cannot be overstated.

Today is May 14th. Israel's 74th (888 months) birthday. With the upcoming blood moon plus the many crises playing out across the world, this riot in Jerusalem has been hugely overlooked. Because I don't believe this is the end of this story. The "Palestinians" have got themselves a martyr. A Christian martyr to boot! The slain journalist was buried in the Christian Mount Zion cemetery. As pointed out in my other post - Mount Zion and the Mount of Olives almost perfectly flank the Temple Mount. It is my belief that this murdered martyr stuff is going to blow up even more. We know how the evil one's work - never letting a good crisis go to waste.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

