Fay (15 May 2022)
"The Truth and Nothing But."


Hi John and Doves,

This is a very important article in the link. EXTREMELY important. Please absorb every word because it will enable you to briefly get into the Jewish mind-set. The most profound thing that struck me is that this is how at sea we would ALL be without the benefit of the Holy Spirit. We would be equally as adrift and confused. For instance - Rabbi Glazerson knows the Torah. He knows how vital it is to keep the Sabbath holy to God. He knows that all the tragedies and woes visited upon the Jewish people are through lack of knowledge. Rabbi G knows because he has deep knowledge of the Torah. A lot of the Jewish people are secular and lack understanding.

We Bible believing Christians are delving into scripture. Seeking out wisdom. With the blessed aid of Almighty God's Holy Spirit, we understand more and more. We KNOW how vital it is to declare our faith in Jesus Christ, with our hearts, minds and mouths. I believe it would be impossible for us to deny our LORD Jesus. To bow down to pressure in order to pacify our enemies.

The many Israeli governments have wasted so much blood and treasure, attempting to pacify and placate their many enemies. If they knew their Torah - they would not do this. Almighty God has told them umpteen times, to trust Him. To cast away their fears because Almighty God will always have their backs - if only they trusted Him. If only they kept the Sabbath holy to Him.

This pandering to the PA, Jordan, Hamas and the Biden administration must be exhausting. It makes me feel physically ill. I cannot begin to imagine how our beloved LORD feels.

Please come, LORD Jesus. Please bring peace to Jerusalem.
