Fay (15 May 2022)
"Apology to the Jewish People from the C of E"

WOW! I wonder what brought this mea culpa on? I should not denigrate it but appreciate it for what it is. I can't help feeling sceptical about it though. A genuine apology is followed by actions. Mind you - it's way more than the Roman Catholic church have ever offered. Not just to the Jewish people, but to mankind in general. The Roman Catholic Church have got to be the most cruel perversion of "Christianity" that has ever existed.

The Church of England has benefited, financially, through the Name of Jesus Christ. What have they given back? What wisdom have they shown regarding the State of Israel? NOTHING, is what! The British royal family have remained neutral in all their actions too. They love to prance around like expensively dressed entertainers while bedecked with priceless jewels. BUT - what have they ever done for Jesus? For mankind? Diddly- wretched- squat, is the answer. They are mere decoration. Covering up the squalid reality that the majority live in. These awful, awful pretenders (RC and C of E alike) plus the so-called "royals" are nothing but pretenders. Actors on the stage of life. It can only be described as revolting. A passive acceptance of the status quo. SHAME ON THEM ALL.
