Chance (29 May 2022)
"WEF, the Metaverse, The Global Collaboration Village, and Satan's Snares"

Hi John and Doves,
Lots going on this last week!
We're getting some information coming out about the WEF Davos meeting last week:
The infamous Klaus Scwab, of course, shared his profound wisdom:  "Let's be clear the future is not just happening the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room.  We have the means to impose the state of the world." 
Momin on Twitter: "@shirleyjones999 WEF Klaus Schwab: Let’s be clear the future is not just happening the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world" / Twitter
I think that God would have a few choice words for Klaus!  And Who's hands the future is really in!
Of course George Soros was at the WEF meeting:
"Liberal billionaire George Soros on Tuesday warned of a global depression, and said Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be looked back on at the starting point of World War III..."Russia invaded Ukraine.  This has shaken Europe to its core....Even when the fighting stops, as it eventually must, the situation will never revert to the status quo ante.  Indeed, the Russian invasion may turn out to be the beginning of World War III, and our civilization may not survive it."  As usual, he pushes 'climate change' and how the world is on the verge of irreversible destruction and end of our civilization.
Soros says civilization may not survive Russia's Ukraine invasion
When the WEF, U.N., the West are the cause of most of the world's's ironic that THEY offer up the solution.  A One World Government - their control of the world.
So what can be done to fight their push for world control?
"Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson introduced legislation Thursday that would push back against the World Health Organization's overreach and ensure the Senate has power over its pandemic treaty."  This legislation is titled:  No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.  Sponsored by Johnson and 15 others.  These lawmakers "believe they need to start fighting to prevent WHO from creating an INB (Intergovernmental Negotiating Body)" - under which America would loose her sovereignty. 
EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ron Johnson Leads Bill To Push Back On WHO Overreach, Ensure Senate’s Power Over Pandemic Treaty | The Daily Caller
This is a start, but will it pass the Democrat controlled Senate?  Democrats have bought into the WEF agenda for America.
This Davos 2022 meeting ended with "many experts painting a bleak outlook for the global economy.  Wall Street analysts, economists, and industry leaders agree that a global recession is ...very much in the cards."  They know that a global food crisis is coming along with skyrocketing inflation, continued supply chain disruptions, higher energy prices, global trade problems, etc.  Their solution is the "metaverse" and the Global
Collaboration Village.
What is Metaverse? "The metaverse is a perfect fusion of physical, augmented and virtual reality.  The Metaverse is a public virtual world that may be accessed via the internet.  It creates a "virtual world" experience by simulating human emotions and gestures."  It is a virtual reality "in which individuals can communicate and transact with each other and with digital 3D items.  It relates to collaborative virtual worlds where currency can be used by buy and sell land, buildings, avatars, and even identities.  Individuals can walk around with their friends, visit places, buy things, and attend events in such environments."  ((Whatever THAT means!))
Why is Metaverse important to us?  "Many technology companies including Microsoft, Facebook, Roblox (maker's of children's games) and Epic Games, have been making this a reality."
So where is this going?  "Imagine studying, working, interacting, attending concerts, earning money, and playing games in an online realm that is both an extension and a fusion of the real world."  ((Whatever THAT means!))
"Besides meetings with clients, digital entertainment, work training, and even online study are all expected to be available online in the future, thanks to the Metaverse.  This is why so many businesses are investing in the Metaverse:  the network's ability to change the world is undeniable."
Microsoft's name always comes up with the WEF agenda - "Microsoft plans to completely revolutionize the way business and operations are conducted by creating a digital twin of the real world which we may engage via mixed reality."
And what is the "Global Collaboration Village"?  It's their virtual future of public and private cooperation.  "The Global Collaboration Village will be an extension of the World Economic Forum's public-private platforms and in-person meetings and will provide a more open, more sustained, and more comprehensive process for coming together."  ((Whatever THAT means!))
World Economic Forum Unveils Virtual Global Collaboration
A 'village' sounds so inviting and 'homey'.  What could possibly go wrong?? 
"The Global Collaboration Village will bring together key global stakeholders - international organizations, governments, partner companies, and civil society organizations - to imagine alternative futures, explore ideas in an immersive way, and envision what the future world could be.  The Forum aims to pioneer within this new space and bring together others to co-create within it."  ((Whatever THAT means!))
World Economic Forum Unveils Virtual Global Collaboration
 Where people can buy 'digital land', 'construct virtual homes', participate in virtual social experience', etc.  "Metaverse will allow people to replicate or enhance their physical activities.  This could happen by transporting or extending physical activities to a virtual world or by transforming the physical one."  ((Whatever THAT means!))
What Is a Metaverse?
Every time I read something that comes out of the WEF meetings, or listen to Klaus or some of the other members or read what's on the WEF's website, I come away with a jumble of nice sounding words - enhance, transform, immerse, co-create, ..all of their nice and friendly worded communications may sound 'cool-futuristic' and even for the 'good of mankind', but it's all garbage.  A mumble jumble of words that nobody really understands - it just 'sounds' good.   A virtual world is always controlled by SOMEONE...not you.  SOMEONE will control all of this!  
I see this is a gigantic trap!  A fake, imaginary world, a "digital twin of the real world" created by Satan to trap humans in some crazy half virtual half real world.  Enticing, seducing mankind with sweet sounding words and other-worldly, futuristic imaginations.  
I see this 'Village' as the anteroom to Hell.  
We know that Satan is the father of lies. He's called The Deceiver.  His desire 24/7 is to kill, steal and destroy human beings.  "He wants to impugn the nature of God.  He wants to cause war in heaven and bring all humans to revolt against God the Father."
"There are three areas where Satan uses bait to destroy a person's life found in 1 John 2:15-17.  They are:  Lust of the flesh.  Lust of the eyes.  Pride of life.  "Satan does not need any new strategies.  These have worked well for thousands of years."
How Satan Entices People to Sin

I think the WEF is using the shotgun approach - all three strategies to kill, steal, and destroy.  Satan knows his time is short.
The future of mankind is real simple - there is eternal life and there is eternal death. There are no alternate futures or alternate realities.  Man can not change this.  God is in control.
Heaven is not a 'virtual reality'.  Heaven is real, a physical place.  Heaven is 'Home', an eternal place.  Heaven has real people.  Heaven is the dwelling place of God.  We humans can not even begin to imagine the peace, love, tranquility, light, beauty, glory of Heaven.  
The only other option is Hell.  The Village is a 'virtual reality'.  Found somewhere in the internet.  It is not eternal.  It's temporal.  It has virtual people.  Satan rules The Village.  The Village is where the body and soul are destroyed as the villagers chose their future:  Hell is fire, gnashing of teeth, eternal pain, outer darkness.
I am always taken back by the lengths that Satan goes to to deceive mankind .  He is crafty, subtle, very intelligent, sneaky.  He sets a snare for all who will listen.  For Satan deceives the whole world.  Revelation 12:9
"Satan's snares are intended to hold the human race in darkness and impenitence in order to defeat the work of Christ.  To control the minds of the worshipers of Christ in order to prevent them from receiving the truth and loving it."
Lesson 32: Snares of Satan — The Great Controversy Made Easy
Be aware of his snares! 
Pray for the peace of  Jerusalem!