Chance (15 May 2022)
"Super Blood Moon Eclipse, Second Passover, Chinese Omen"

Hello John and Doves,
Some interesting 'coincidences':
1)  Lunar Eclipse Dream:
Blue Heaven has an interesting video about a woman's dream from about a year to a year and a half ago - in the dream she sees a dark moon and a light moon - she knows in the dream this has to do with the Rapture.  In the dream she says "The moon will be dark at midnight and bright at one o'clock.  The bridegroom comes at the midnight hour."  This woman has been questioning the meaning of this dream ever since. 
Later in the video a man looks at this woman's video and determines this could only be a dream about a lunar eclipse.  He used the Stellarium program to look at lunar eclipses from the time of her dream to 2030.  The only lunar eclipse in that time range that matches the time of dark at midnight and bright at one ol'clock is this lunar eclipse on May 16.  The moon is dark at midnight and bright again at 1AM.  The moon takes one hour to pass through the eclipse phase to become fully bright. 
run time 7:47
This video from CBS46 Atlanta news shows the timing this eclipse - total eclipse begins 11:29 pm and total eclipse ends 12:53 am.  (861) A total blood moon lunar eclipse this weekend - YouTube
run time: 1:24
Fay wrote a letter last week to Doves about this coming lunar eclipse and a "brand new meteor shower" May 30 - 31. 
May's lunar eclipse and a wild-card meteor shower may offer double spectacle | Space
"The first lunar eclipse of 2022 will take place on May 15 and 16, depending on your time zone."  It will be visible "in total phase from portions of the Americas, Antartica, Europe, Africa, and the east Pacific.  Meanwhile, a penumbral eclipse, an event arising when the moon is in the lighter penumbral shadow from our planet, will be visible in New Zealand, eastern Europe, and the Middle East."  This May 15th full moons is a supermoon..."making it a Super Blood Moon eclipse." 
Super Flower Blood Moon 2022: Everything to know for the total lunar eclipse | Space
2)  Chinese omen:
"The sky turned blood red at night in this Chinese city.  This occurred late Saturday night, May 7 
(861) Night sky turns blood red in Chinese city - YouTube
run time: 1:16
"Shocking videos of deep red skies in China have conspiracy theorists claiming the apocalypse is coming..."  
Blood red sky phenomenon in China leaves onlookers claiming the 'apocalypse has begun'
"The discoloured horizon triggered panic among residents who recorded the phenomenon from their homes, balconies and streets...Photos of the red sky started trending on Chinese social media websites, Weibo and Sina.  Many users reacted by saying that a red sky meant a bad omen..."Video: Sky over Chinese city turns blood red and triggers panic among locals; here's why it happened
"The videos and photos of the red sky soon flooded the Chinese internet attracting more than 150 million views as of Sunday night.  "I have never seen anything like this before.  It really amazes me that the sky can even turn red.", a user commented.  Another added:  "It is a blood-red color, that doesn't look good at all."  Another commented with a grim prediction: "There is gonna be an earthquake in seven days, it's not normal to see the sky turning all red."
Sky In Chinese Port City Turns Blood Red; This Is The Reason
"The sky turned a bloody shade of red in China on Saturday, sparking panic among some residents, and now some are pointing to Bible prophecies about the end times and return of Jesus to Earth...Local residents panicked that the end of days had arrived, and called the red sky a bad omen for China." 
Sky turns blood red in China, some point to Bible prophecy | Daily Angle |
There is a Chinese omen that says that when the sky turns blood red a massive earthquake will follow 7 days later.  That would be about May 15.
"The Chinese are very superstitious and will see this as an omen and it will be for their decision to go to war."
run time 1:05
Then a river in China turned red May 10 - "After blood red sky comes blood-red river in China."  
The Chinese believe that these are omens of 'misfortune and chaos'.
run time 1:37
"An omen is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change."  Omens could be good or they could be bad.
Omen - Wikipedia
Lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for Israel.  "If during the course of the lunar eclipse the moon appears red, as the upcoming eclipse will be, the Talmud states that this is an omen that great wars will come to the world." 
Super Blood Moon to rise over America: 'An omen of war with Ishmaelites'
"Top US intelligence officials warned Tuesday that China is "working hard" to carry out a military takeover of Taiwan.."
US intel chief warns China is preparing Taiwan invasion
Hitler used signs and omens in his war strategy.  "...Hitler's architect Albert Speer recounts in his second book, the intense red hue over the night sky in the east in August, 1938 from his mountain retreat near Berchtersgarden in the German Alps.  He (Hitler) took it as a sign, exclaiming "now it's time to shed blood". 
Hitler’s “omen” and the beginning of WWII – 80 years Commemoration – Abrupt Earth Changes
3)  Second Passover:
There have been many letters to Doves over the years about the Second Passover, especially as a possible Rapture day.
Elliot Hong's May 8 letter:  Second Passover
Many Evidences Point To Iyar 17
Jean Stepnoski had a recent letter to Doves about The Second Passover:  May 15/16
The above lunar eclipse dream is very interesting.  Sometimes it takes someone else looking at a dream to interpret it. 
IF the Rapture happens during this coming lunar eclipse, on Second Passover...I believe, as with the earthquake and saints' tombs opening when Jesus was crucified, that there will be a massive earthquake when the Rapture occurs - as God's power changes the immortal dead bodies into mortal - recreating/forming the bodies of the Believers .  This will take an enormous amount of supernatural energy.  
Maybe this is all coincidence, but 'coincidence' in Hebrew, spelled backwards, is "God allowed it."
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!