Caspar Verhulst (29 May 2022)
"Male Child"

Dear John,

Would you be so kind to put this enclosure

on the 5 Doves?

I have read this from two different ministries.

That is thus by 2 witnesses.


The First one is Unleavened Ministries – David Eells,

already 15 years ago.

The second one I read yesterday by Olive Branch – JP

I believe there is a secret in the numer 144.000.

David Eells explains this as for example:

Jesus sent them out two by two and also the 70.

It could be 2x70x144.000.


God bless you in your ministry,



May 21, 2022 Olivebranch 144,000, firstfruits, Male child, overcomers, Sons of God

The miraculous birth of the MALE CHILD (sons) of Sion, the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Isaiah 66:7 "Before she had contractions (the New Jerusalem), she gave birth. Even before a contraction came upon her, she gave birth to a Male Child (Strong's H1121 בֵּן (son – ben) "first of firstborn"). 8 Who has ever heard such a thing? Who has seen anything like it? Could a country be born (this is the first resurrection of the 144,000 firstfruits, firstfruits) in one day? Could a people be born all at once? But Zion (the bride of Christ) has hardly had any contractions, or she has already given birth to her SONS (Strong's H1121 בֵּן (son – ben) "first of firstborn" ). 9 Would I give access and not give birth?" says the LORD. Or would I, Who give birth, close? says your God.

Root or root word of "Strong's H1121 בֵּן ben (son)" is "בָּנָה H1129 banah" which means "rebuild" or "builder" or "to obtain children" or "to be permanently established again".

Isaiah speaks here (in Head 66) of the end of the last days when the Male Child will be born. Jerusalem (is Hagar, – Old Covenant – Earthly Jerusalem – Mount Sinai – JEWS – House of Judah) is ultimately not the natural city of Jerusalem that is spoken of as we know it today on earth but the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (which is Sarah, – New covenant – New city of Jerusalem in heaven – Mount Sion – Sion – Christians – House of Israel, Ephraim) The Lord will come with fire, with wrath with grimness, and many will be killed (66:15,16). This did not happen with Jesus' birth in this world nearly two thousand years ago, but it will happen when the woman gives birth to the Male Child, in the fullness of Christ!!!

Revelation 12:1 And a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman (the new Jerusalem, the Bride), clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a wreath of twelve stars on her head; 2 and she was pregnant and cried out in her woes and in her pain to give birth. 3 And another sign was seen in heaven, and behold, a great reddish dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven crowns. 4 And its tail dragged a third of the stars of heaven and threw them upon the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman, who would give birth, to devour it as soon as she had given birth to her child. 5 And she gave birth to a Son, a Male Being (Strong's H1121 בֵּן (son-am) "first of firstborn"), who will shepherd all the Gentiles with an iron rod; and her child was suddenly taken away to God and his throne. 6 And the woman fled to the wilderness, where she has a place, prepared by God, that she might be maintained there for twelve hundred and sixty days.

We see here a people being born, the Male Child, the firstfruits (firstborn, firstfruits, Ephraim) of God and the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, that is the Heavenly Jerusalem on whose foreheads His name and the Name of his Fathers were written, the Sons of God, the 144,000 firstfruits of God and the Lamb from Revelation 14. Her SONS (Strong's H1121 בֵּן (son – ben ) 'first of firstborn' ). These are bought from the people as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, the redeemed from the earth. It is they who will be the first to receive a glorified resurrection body and be born in and out of the New Heavenly Jerusalem. These sons will be produced (born) of the woman before she got pain from the contractions (the great tribulation), before the final judgment begins, they will be taken away to the throne of God.

The Woman is Israel, the Church, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Bride, those who are born again, a new creation and whose hearts are circumcised, the Church consisting of the house of Judah (the Jews), the house of Israel (the Israelites) and all strangers, named after Ephesians 3:6 where it says "(this mystery) that the Gentiles are co-heirs, fellow members and fellow members of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel".

The woman and the Holy City are one. So the bride does not live in the City, but the City is the bride him/herself, which consists of Living Stones, it is the City of God in which He Himself dwells. The bride is "getting ready" and that is to sanctify her, cleansing her through the water bath with the word, and thus placing the church before Herself, radiant, without stain or wrinkle or anything like that, so that she is holy and unblemished. Ephesians 5.

The heavenly bride, the New Jerusalem giving birth to the sons of God. A collective son, with Christ as his Head, who conquered the dragon by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

On September 23, 2017, it was Revelation 12 "sign" in heaven, verses 1 and 2 that we have all seen, but is not yet fully fulfilled but awaits its fulfillment.

Jesus/Yeshua and the Male Child will shepherd the Gentiles with an iron rod.

Psalm 2 says from verse 6, "For I have set my king over Sion, My holy mountain (the heavenly Jerusalem). 7 I want to take the lord's decision: He said to me: My son are you; I have begotten you today. 8 Ask Me, and I will give nations to your inheritance, the ends of the earth to your possession. 9 Thou shalt crush them with an iron club, smash them like pottery.

Revelation 19:14 "And the hosts, who are in heaven, followed Him on white horses, wrapped in white and immaculate fine linen. 15 And out of His mouth comes a sharp sword, to strike the Gentiles with it. And He Himself will shepherd them with an iron rod, and He Himself enters the press box of the wine of wrath of the wrath of God, of the Almighty.

In Revelation 2:26 "And whoever overcomes and keeps My works to the end, I will give him power over the Gentiles; 27 and he will shepherd them with an iron rod, like pottery they are shattered, just as I have received from my Father, 28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 Whoever has an ear, that hore, what the Spirit says to the congregations.

And Revelations 12:5 And she gave birth to a Son, a Male Being (the overcomers) who will shepherd all the Gentiles with an iron rod.

In prophecies there may also be layers or double bottoms, partially fulfilled, but others, on the other hand, are still waiting for fulfillment. One of them is also Micah 5:1And you, Bethlehem-Ephratha (bread house – fertility), though you are small to be among the thousands of Judah, out of you will come Me (Yeshua) Who will be a Ruler in Israel. Its origins are ancient, from eternal days. 2 Therefore He will surrender them, give them up until the time that she who will give birth has given birth (the Male Child, the 144,000 firstfruits of God and the Lamb). Then the rest, a remnant, of His brethren (Judah) will return to the sons of Israel.

In Micah 4 verse 10 it says, But cringe and groan, daughter Sions, as who gives birth (like a woman in childbirth),- for now you must leave the castle and you will dwell in the open field, and you will come to Babylon, though you will be saved there; there the One will deliver you from the fist of your enemies!

In all the above texts we see the two layers that a woman is pregnant, the first Mary, who is pregnant before marriage to Joseph and gives birth to a son Jeshua. But we also see a pregnancy of a Virgin Sion, the New Jerusalem, the bride, who also gives birth to sons before her marriage to the Lamb (2 Cor. 11:2; Openb. 12, 14:4, 19:7) the Male Child. The Male child is Jeshua manifested in the 144,000 adult Sons of God. At the same time that the bride of Christ gives birth to the mature sons of God who bring freedom and life, the great whore will give birth to adult sons to the flesh who will bring bondage and death. So the 144,000 are believers, the firstfruits of God and the Lamb (For I am Israel to a father, and Ephraim, who is My firstborn, Jer. 31:9b) who have reached the place of maturity. They are the barley harvest that are the first ripe (for the wheat) and mature before the general harvest. These firstfruits, these royal priests who form a living union with Christ will be after the order of Melchizedek.

This remnant, the firstfruits, these redeemed from the earth, who stand with the Lamb on Mount Sion, and who follow the Lamb wherever He goes, will be a mighty people who are ineradicable and invincible, because the LORD is his eternal King and they will be at the forefront with Him, He is the Breaker, they wage war against His enemies together with the Lamb.

The only place where Sion is mentioned in the book of Revelation is in connection with the 144,000 firstfruits of God and the Lamb who have the Name of the Father and of Yeshua on their foreheads (Rev. 14:1). Sion is the site of his global government.

Jeremiah lets us know when this birth will take place: and that is during the "trouble of Jacob" and during the "day of the Lord" which is also the time when Jeshua returns.

Jeremiah 4:31 For I hear a cry as of one who is in need of childbirth, distress as of one who gives birth for the first time, the cry of the daughter Ions; she gasps for breath, expands her hands: Woe to me, for I succumb to murderers!

Isaiah 60 explains that deep darkness will cover the earth and darkness will come upon the nations, but at the same time how God's Light and glory will go up over Sion and that it will become completely visible and everyone will see what glory they radiate and then the nations will go up and come to that radiant light and they will come and go out before God to speak His Word.

and for them they will wait..!!

Romans 8:19 says, "For with eager desire creation awaits the revelation of the Sons of God.

23 And not only that, but also we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we ourselves also sigh in ourselves, in the expectation of the adoption of children, namely the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in hope we have been saved.

So the "revealing of the Sons of God" the first adults of the saints, which is still in the future, is closely linked to bodily resurrection. We see in the Bible that Paul also pursued it and that he was allowed to seize it, to be a conqueror and to be able to participate in the best resurrection and that is to rule with Christ. May it also be our desire with Paul and that we will also hunt for it. To receive this high calling, one must learn obedience, which is often learned through suffering, and one must endure it to the end.

This manifestation of the adult sons of God is an event that has not yet happened. It is a great "hope" that we all "wait for with perseverance," but also that we prepare ourselves for by cleansing, purifying, and sanctifying ourselves, for Jeshua said, "The pure in heart will see God."