Steve W (30 May 2021)
"!!! (947 X PI) - 947 + Carlos Mwangi RAPTURE testimony syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!"

                                "Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen."
                                                                       EPHESIANS 6:24

 Hello Five Doves,
        A remarkable prophetic sync happened on Five Doves website last week 5/23/2021 where we posted these two articles.
                           !!! (947 x Pi) - 947 + Bob Ware/Steve W Personal Revelations sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
                                              > <
                 !! 1140 Hebrews 7+Ephesians 6:24+Super Bowl 51+USA Eclipse 8/21/2017 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

         In both of these articles we go into detail documenting the evidence how EPHESIANS 6:24 syncs with 
        SUNSET 6:24 PM JERUSALEM time on 9/30/2028 as a potential time for the END TIME RAPTURE !!!
                                        This date is a SABBATH SATURDAY = DAY OF ATONEMENT Holiest Day of Jewish Yr !!!
      We have NEVER BEFORE talked about this time of SUNSET 6:24 PM in any prior post or ever heard anyone
      else talk about this exact time as a potential for the END TIME  RAPTURE !!!

        The incredible sync here is on the exact same day 5/23/2021 Fives Doves posted this link by OLA ILORI >

             Starting about 1:30 mark this amazing testimony from a Carlos Mwangi is posted on the screen...

          "In 2010 Carlos Mwangi, from Nairobi Kenya, fell into a trance and was shown that the RAPTURE
        will occur around 6.00 PM on a SATURDAY . He was NOT shown the month or the Year.
          What's important to note is that  Nairobi Kenya and JERUSALEM  have the SAME LOCAL TIME  !!

          Dear Doves, with millions of websites on the internet, the odds have to be in the TRILLIONS to 1 that both these posts 
     appeared on Fives Doves website on the exact same day 5/23/2021, where both are speaking to a very specific time of day
     "around 6.00 PM ", and the exact same day "a SATURDAY" for the potential END TIME  RAPTURE !!!!!! 

  So here is Carlos Mwangi full testimony from clear back in 2010 and then we'll re-post our (947 X PI) - 947 article below.

      "I was in the city center of Nairobi, I had been sent by my mother to do some errands and I was now on my way
      back home. As I was crisscrossing shoulder to shoulder I suddenly looked down and felt very uneasy with my left shoe,
     so I bent down to adjust it. 
         I was very aware of my surroundings, suddenly standing up, I just froze and looked up and then leveled my
         head where I could see cars.

     They all began crashing simultaneously and people falling at the same time, because all over graves were opening !
    Directly above, to the direction I was facing I saw a BIG ANGEL, with triangular elegant wings, with a Golden TRUMPET
     standing in front of other ANGELS , and the line of these ANGELS stretched back as far as I could see ,
       and the ANGEL  blew the TRUMPET for a second time.

         Then I turned to the opposite direction and I saw people flying towards a center and there was JESUS
        with ANGEL MICHAEL  at his side. It was then I realized the heavenly citizens were on opposite sides of the Sky.
         The music from the TRUMPET  was sweet and Loud and did not hurt my ears. I do not remember the tune,
          but it was inviting pulling me up to the clouds. 

         The ARCH ANGEL who had the TRUMPET  seemed to blow it continuously, and the others behind him seemed to
         play in harmony at the same time ! The skylight was so bright and had a golden yellowish color.

          It was around 6.00 PM and it was a SATURDAY !!! I noticed that people seemed confused at the noise, others
          seemed hysterical, as if demon possessed because they held their ears in agony.

          It then vanished as quick as it had started. I closed my eyes and started shaking my head. I seemed to have stepped 
          into eternity even though I was aware of everyone else. That's when I realized people were looking at me.

         Then it Hit me, I was standing right in the middle of a path as if in a trance. When I got home I prayed to the FATHER
         to let me know everything. He let me know that it was my expectancy that was beaming in my spirit,
          ever since I started fellowship with my FB family, talking about the RAPTURE and Wedding Supper of the LAMB.

          Then later, it came to my realization, ONLY THE READY will hear the TRUMPET  sound as music, but the 
          unbelievers due to the commotion with the EARTHQUAKE and everything around them, will be confused with hysteria.

         The TRUMPET   will sound like Bomb explosions going off all around them. The RAPTURE itself will not take too long
         in this "time existence". I was made to understand it will take place in less than 5 minutes...
         It will happen so fast and everything will go quiet again. 

        To those who will be flying it will be an eternal moment. For eternity has been placed in our hearts according to the scriptures.
         But I'm guessing , for those who are left here it will be the longest 5 minutes of their entire existence. I saw everything
            happen so fast, yet through their eyes I saw everything happen in slow motion, like a never ending nightmare.
              Soon people , very soon, its going to happen, so GET READY !!

         Hello Five Doves,
             On 5/17/2021 BOB WARE sent me the following math equation (947 X PI- 947 = 2028.0882429.
       As we studied this unique equation involving the value of PI , we discovered the following revelations below,
     how this equation synchronizes to all the evidence we are documenting for the 2nd Coming of JESUS in 2028.
  We even have unique confirmations with BOB's birth date and My birth date STEVE W in these calculations.

                                                                                                Astonishing amount of evidence is
                                                                                                          amassing here for the
                        (947 X PI- 947 = 2028.0882429                Second Coming 
                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^     ^^   ^^              JESUS CHRIST 
                Notice this reveals the date 8/8/2028 then 24+29 days to 9/30/2028
                                                            ^^^^^^^^^                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                               ^^^^^^^^^                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^
   BOB WARE                                  ^^^^^^^^^                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
     Birth date                                    ^^^^^^^^^                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      2/7/1948                                 8/8/2028                  9/1/2028             9/30/2028
            !.................29403 days...............!.............24 days.......!.......29 days...........!
                                29403        divide       by      24     divide   by   29 = 42.24 !!!! 
                                     This equation reveals the 132nd palindrome # 4224
 and   132    X     32    =    4224
                                                       A=1,B=2 etc > 132 = Seventh Angel !!!!!!!
                                                                         And its the Seventh Angel in Revelation 11:15 that
                        sounds the 7th and LAST TRUMPET for the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!
Now below are some striking, never before seen,  prophetic verse count alignments in the Bible, repeatedly pointing us to the
2nd Coming of JESUS CHRIST in 2028 .

When we take the above unique number 947 and sync the 47 part of it to the two Rapture verses of Genesis, we get this
  amazing verse count alignment, which as a result, unveils an amazing revelation about the Resurrection  of JESUS CHRIST !!
  Then simultaneously this alignment reveals the prophetic timeline from the Crucifixion of JESUS to HIS 2nd Coming 9/30/2028 !!!!!!! 
 And along with all that we get a confirmation of the END TIME Rapture Resurrection of GOD's saints, exactly when the Apostle Paul
 tells us it will happen in 1st Corinthians 15:23 "AT HIS COMING" and "AT the LAST TRUMPET1st Cor 15:52 and Revelation 11:15.

LO and BEHOLD...
                                                                                                                                                                                                          5/2/28 A.D
                                                                      Rapture of                   Rapture of                         He is risen
    Start of the                                                   ENOCH                        the ARK                      JESUS CHRIST
        Bible                     Genesis 5:15            Genesis 5:24                Genesis 7:17                  Matthew 28:6
            !...........121 vs to........!..............vs to......!............47 vs to...........!...........24025 vs to.......!
                         ^^^                              ^                             ^^                                    ^^^^^
                           121    divide   by    9     divide    by     47  =  .286052 !!!!!!      ^^^^^
                                                                                                     ^^ ^    ^^                ^^^^^
        incredibly this equation reveals a perfect sync to Matthew 28:6 and simultaneously 
 is revealing the TRUE Resurrection date of JESUS CHRIST 5/2/28 A.D !!!!!!    ^^^^^
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^                                                                          ^^^^^
                                     ^^^^^^^^^^                                                                            ^^^^^
        "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. ^^^^^
                                                       Matthew 28:6 an                                                     ^^^^^
                                                                                  Amazing sync here >>>>>>155 X 155 24025
see link>   ^^^     ^^^
    JESUS CHRIST                                    JESUS CHRIST                 ^^^ ^^^
True Crucifixion date                         True Resurrection  date          ^^^^^^  ALL evidence amassing here
    was 4/28/28 A.D > 3 days/3 nights in grave > 5/2/28 A.D            ^^^^^    for Second Coming of
             ^^^^^^^                4/29, 4/30 , 5/1                                              ^^^^           JESUS CHRIST 
From  4/28/28 >>>>> its exactly 2000 years to 4/28/2028  then  155 days to 9/30/2028 
                                                       ^^^^                                                 ^^^                ^^^^^^^^^^^^
          Prophetically TWO DAYS = 2000 Years because 2nd Peter 3:8 tells us "ONE DAY to GOD is a 1000 Years"
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^                                                   Two Days , Two DaysTwo Days
                          So TWO DAYS = is seen in sequence in text of Mark 14:1,  John 4:40,  John 4:43
                                       The verse numbers of these scriptures are 540    ,       152     and  155 
                                                                                                           ^^^              ^^^                ^^^
                        And when we do a simple math equation we get > 540 divide by 152 divide by 155  = .02292020 
                                                                  Amazingly this reveals in perfect sequence the actual date of  2/29/2020 !!!!!!!
              And notice 2/29/2020 is only a valid date because it is in a rare leap day year of 2020 otherwise it wouldn't even
               qualify as a valid date !!  The revelation that comes to light from this is    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                       from  2/29/2020  its exactly >>>> 28 28  days to >>>>  9/30/2028  !!!!
                                      Which of course is revealing 4/28/28 A.D JESUS True Crucifixion date. So we see these verses pointing 
                us TWO DAYS = 2000 Years forward to 4/28/2028  then 155 days to 9/30/2028 !!!!
                                                                 with JOHN 4:43 being verse 155 Book of John the final confirming connecting piece !!!!
              Personal note > We discovered from 2/29/2020 its exactly 443  days to 5/17/2020 the exact day BOB WARE sent me the (947 X PI- 947 equation !!!
                                                                                                                ^^^^                ^^^^^^^^^^
 In addition Book of EPHESIANS is the only book of Bible with exactly 155  verses.  ^^^^^^^^^^
                            The LAST verse book of EPHESIANS verse number 155 is Ephesians 6:24 !!!!!!
                                                     The mind boggling sync here is on the exact day of 9/30/2028 
                                                      the exact time of SUNSET in JERUSALEM will be 6:24 pm !!!!!!
                    And 9/30/2028 is the only day of 2028 that time of SUNSET happens 6:24 pm !!!!!!

                        EPHESIANS is also the 49th Book of the Bible. And the only place in the entire Bible
                                 where the number 49 is seen in the text of a verse is Leviticus 25:8, which puts it in direct sync 
  with the next verse Leviticus 25:9 which is the last place in the Bible the phrase DAY OF ATONEMENT is seen. 
                                                   And in the year 2028 the DAY OF ATONEMENT is 9/30/2028 !!!!!!

                                  "And you shall count seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years; 
                                                 and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you 49 years."
                    "Then you shall cause the TRUMPET of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month;
                                on the Day of Atonement you shall make the TRUMPET to sound throughout all your land."
                                                                                             Leviticus 25:8,9

                                 REVELATION chapter 15 is the only chapter of the Bible we are
                     aware of where all the verses of that chapter add up to exactly 2028 !!!!!!! 
                         Of the Book of Revelation starting with REVELATION 15:1   ^^^^
                      these verse #'s are 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257=2028 
                                          Last place phrase seen                            9/30/2028
                 A=1,B=2 etc >  DAY OF ATONEMENT 158                   synced here
Start of the                              in text of verse                         DAY OF ATONEMENT 158 
    Bible                                    Leviticus 25:9                                    Revelation 15:8
        !...................3479 vs to..............!..................27476 verses to..............!
                                ^^^^                                     ^^^^^
                                   3479     divided    by    27476  =    .12661959 !!!!!!
                                                                       ^^^                ^^    ^^   ^^^^
                                                      My Birth date STEVE W is 6/19/1959 !!!!!!
                                                                    ^^^                ^  ^ ^^       ^^^^
                                                                   ^^^    Notice 1+2+66+1959 = 2028
                                                         The 274th day of year is >>>>>  9/30/2028 only because it is a rare leap day yr.
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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