Ray (30 May 2021)
"Summary of three criteria to determine the year of Second Advent"


Hi John and Doves,

Let's do a summary of my posts.

Solomon died in 929 BC. I have the 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah begin on Yom Kippur in 929 BC, because Jeroboam have missed the offering on YK purposely. The 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah began on YK Sept 27 929 BC, and ends on Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029 precisely. God shall forgive the iniquity of Israel and Judah on Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029.

Marriage Supper of the Lamb shall be held in heaven on a future Passover, because it is during Passover where the Lamb is remembered. Jesus chooses the title "Lamb" to host the supper because he wants us to know that the supper shall be held on Nisan 14 Passover. An example is supper with Santa Claus. Since Santa Claus only appears once a year on Christmas day Dec 25, when people are invited to dinner with Santa Claus, they know the day of invitation will be on Dec 25. Same logic applies to Supper with the Lamb. The Lamb only appears and is remembered during the day of Nisan 14 Passover. Supper with the Lamb must be on Nisan 14.  And since Jesus returns to earth right away after the supper, it places the second coming of Jesus Christ on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread.

Daniel's seven weeks prophecy speaks of Jesus coming back on Nisan 15. A commandment is given forth on this day, to build the streets and the walls of Jerusalem, even in troublous times. 49 days later, on Shavuot/Pentecost, restoration of Israel and Jerusalem is complete. Daniel's seven weeks prophecy consists of two very important days. They are Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread and Shavuot/Pentecost, because they are the only two feasts that are separated for 49 days.

God called Abraham in 1959 BC. Abraham responded by departing Haran in 1959 BC. This is the beginning of old testament and Jewish' history. Jesus was crucified in 32 AD. It puts an end to old testament. 32 AD is also the beginning of new testament. Between 1959 BC and 32 AD, there are 1990 years. If God calls the church home in 2022, then we have two equally period of old testament and new testament. They both are 1990 years.

1959 BC, Abraham departed Haran, beginning of old testament------ 1990 years ------ 32 AD Crucifixion , end of old testament, beginning of new testament ---------1990 years ------- 2022 AD, God calls the church home/Rapture, end of new testament, end of Age of Grace.

These period of 1990 years speaks of God's mercy and love on the Jews and on the church are the same. Jews shouldn't be jealous of the church, and the church shouldn't be jealous of the Jews ,  because God gives both of them a same period to repent, that is, 1990 years.

There are 1335 days between RH Sept 23 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029 (May 20 2029 is also the end of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah). These 1335 days separating RH and Shavuot/Pentecost doesn't appear very often,. Between 2010 and 2032, the only time it appears is between RH 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost 2029. This is a mid-trib timeline. It also gives us a hint that tribulation shall begin in 2022, and ends in 2029.

When we group all these together, what is the chance of these prophecies and old testament events are coming together, and gives us a timeline of 2022 to 2029, especially tribulation ends on May 20 2029? It takes a sun, earth, and moon planetary movement to have 1335 days separating RH 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost 2029. And it has to happen and coincide the end of 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah which is May 20 2029.

Can a Mathematician calculate the odds of all these events and prophecies coming together and merge into a single day which is May 20 2029?


Hi John and Doves,

Concerning the rapture date, I have two calculations. One is based on Jesus returning to Jerusalem on Nisan 15 Unleavened Bread March 31 2029.  2520 days of tribulation ends on March 31. Subtract 2520 days from March 31 2029, we come to May 7 2022 as the day for rapture and tribulation to begin. 

Rapture, May 7 2022 ------2520 days -------Second Coming, Nisan 15/March 31 2029, end of tribulation, a commandment is given forth on this day, to rebuild the streets and walls of Jerusalem ------50 days-------Shavuot May 20 2029, restoration of Jerusalem is complete, ,end of 1335 days

The other calculation is based on the tribulation ends on Shavuot Pentecost May 20 2029. Jesus still returns on Nisan 15 March 31 2029. The 49 days between Nisan 15  March 31 and Shavuot May 20 are part of 2520 days.  There is no extra days given. 2520 days ends on May 20 2029. Subtract 2520 days from May 20 2029, June 26 2022 is the day for rapture and tribulation to begin.

Rapture, June 26 2022--------2470 days-------Second Coming, Nisan 15 March 31 2029, a commandment is given forth on this day to rebuild Jerusalem-------50 days--------- Shavuot May 20 2029, restoration of Jerusalem is complete, end of 1335 days, end of tribulation.


Hi John and Doves,

From my previous post, "three criteria to determine the year Jesus returning to earth", I have stated that in year 2029 and 2032, there are 49 days separating Nisan 15 and sunset Shavuot. It fits the criteria of Daniel's seven weeks prophecy. Let's examine these two years by applying 1335 days to them.

Scenario 1:   2029 is the year Jesus returning to earth.

Between Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 and Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029, there are 1335 days. 

Scenario 2:    2032 is the year Jesus returning to earth.

Between Rosh Hashana Sept 21 2028 and Shavuot/Pentecost May 16 2032, there are 1333 days.

2032 fails to be the year Jesus returning to earth, because there isn't a 1335 days between Rosh Hashana 2028 and Shavuot 2032. There is only 1333 days separating these two dates. Having said this, I am very confident that Jesus shall return to Jerusalem in 2029 ( not 2032), with 2022 is the year for rapture.

 Shavuot/Pentecost May 20 2029 is also the end of  430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah, which has it's origin on Yom Kippur 929 BC.
