John M (2 May 2021)
"Why “..alive and REMAIN”?"

1 Thessalonians 4:
17 Then we which are alive and REMAIN shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

It’s always intrigued my study group as to WHY the Holy Spirit would chose ..
”and REMAIN” for those that are alive at the time of the rapture... He could have simply put “then we which are alive..”. Right?
Phil Rogers, Sherry Vance, Kevin Drake (Names that should be familiar to five doves longhaulers) and myself would go round and round with 
“WHY THE REMAIN??” Numerous theories have come and gone through our group, (and some even with contention) and yet NOW, many years later I think I’ve figured out WHY?
My postulation is that the Rapture happens during this pandemic due to the scriptures found in Isaiah 25...
(See my videos for why)... 
and by that, I BELIEVE, the Spirit was talking about those who are alive and REMAIN .......FROM THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC!
(As a doctor, I’ve lost many of my brethren to Covid... and now I can stop asking WHY, as it’s clearly TO ME, as a fulfilling of God’s Word)!

The Rapture is on TishB’Av this year 2021!

I do a study on YouTube ( for those interested in how I come to this date!

Be blessed,
John M.