Fay (30 May 2021)
"India's Black Fungus Outbreak. Hmmm!"


How bizarre that this hideous, flesh eating fungus has broken out. In the middle of a covid crisis? Very short video clip in the link.

As a family, we always enjoyed watching Agatha Christie's Poirot programmes. We'd take turns in guessing who the murderer was. One had to really concentrate in joining all the dots.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Huge vaccination programmes in India. For years. Not pointing fingers....just saying.

Why is there no reasonable explanation given for this Black Fungus outbreak in India? A country with a massive population. Is India being targeted? I do know that many, many Indian nationals are against their Prime Minister - Narendra Modi. This is easily ascertained by reading the latest political reports. I don't know the answer. What I do know is that there is a vast swathe of India's population who have been cut out of society over there. Named the "Untouchables", they are disenfranchised to an unimaginable degree. WHY has modern government never addressed this medieval shocker? WHY has this been allowed to continue?

Is this all in the name of global population reduction?

The Georgia Guide stones are a fact. They are there. They exist. Population reduction is one of the "Ten Commandments" engraved into the stone. How on earth do they expect to "maintain humanity under 500,000,000?". Other than by population reduction? Of course - this has to be done without nukes that would destroy the planet. I believe we may just be seeing that population reduction happening in real time. Such blatant evil.

Please, Almighty God. We wait for You. We need You.
