Fay (2 May 2021)
"Information re recent Ukraine Build Up"


The information discussed in the video clip, sheds a new light on why Putin took the actions that he did.

It involves the USA, a planned coup for Belarus and other murky shenanigans. The details are rather shocking. The speculation made, on the strength of the information received, is that the USA have been forced to stop interfering in that neck of the woods. The narrator - Alexander Mercouris - is very politically clued up and always presents facts rather than indulge in click/bait hyperbole.

My takeaway, after absorbing the information presented in this clip, is that the Russian show of force on the border with Ukraine, was about Putin laying down his "red lines". The message was aimed primarily at the USA but was also directed at other western nations too. In brief - a plot to assassinate the President of Belarus was planned for May 9th. The evidence points to "western government's interference". Mainly the USA. Putin got wind of it. It can be speculated that THIS is why the Russian show of force on the border with Ukraine, happened.

The clip is heavily laden with information. Most of which has not made it into the western media. It can be assumed that the western governments are embarrassed !! Alexander gets his information from scouring other media outlets. i.e. Russian media etc. Somebody has been firmly put back in their lane. A collection of mafia style gangsters are ruling this world. They have no morals.
