Fay (2 May 2021)
"Gino re UK Pushback"


Hi Gino,

In answer to your question....yes, we are seeing pushback. Please see the heart lifting article below. We are very much like the USA in the fact that the majority of people are simply trying to get by. Pay their bills and raise their families. Too few have the time or spare cash, to travel to venues for protests. Most will collapse in an exhausted heap at the weekend. Trying to summon up the energy for family time. The imbalance for humans, is now ridiculous. I cannot see how much longer this can continue. A world-wide, collective nervous breakdown is on the horizon.

We must thank the LORD for our faith. Faith is what is getting us through all the commotion. Without faith (Holy Spirit) I believe I would not cope. Because of my Bible knowledge and the blessing of the Holy Spirit - I am able to divorce myself from the situation and see the wood for the trees. An observer rather than a sufferer.

God's wonderful Blessings to you, Gino. And to all the Doves.
