Fay (2 May 2021)
"Biden's Stupidity a Threat to the West. Sky  News Australia."


This cracked me up. Did anybody watch footage of the recent Climate Change Conference? It sounds like a hoot. Or, a recipe for a rage-filled breakdown.

WHY is the climate change lie SO important to the Democrats. Obama pushed and pushed and Biden has also made it an urgent priority. The science presented in the very short video clip in the link, clearly states that the opposite of climate change stats, are in fact true. The earth has cooled - islands have in fact grown or stayed a similar size. The list is scientifically fact based.

The fact that China - the biggest culprit of carbon emissions - is given a free pass, is rather telling. Is it Biden's job to weaken western nations via climate controls? Destroy their economies? Impoverish their people? There has to be some huge reason why the Dems continue to ram this utter bilge down everyone's throats. The gender bending nonsense - breaking up the family unit - encouraging, aiding and abetting race riots etc. These are all in-your-face methods of weakening and destroying the fabric of America.
