Craig Opal (2 May 2021)
"Before the wrath/J.D.Farag/Dana Coverstone/Tunnels of NYC Carlos/ May 20..."



The Rapture date setters have had their say as Jesus said they would, now it’s time for the real deal and the 1st phase of Jesus 2nd coming is almost on us. Jesus said we could know when he is at the doorstep.  But many false teachers have also had their say and have polluted and diluted a pure message. This was also prophesied. Parts of the church have corrupted the original biblical text to suit their own agenda.

Specifically, Catholic translations of the original text were changed to address the Protestant reformation. They called it a falling away from and rebellion to their “true” faith and church and changed 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The original Greek says unless the Harpazo(Rapture) happens first, the day of the Lord can not happen and tribulation can’t start. They changed it from harpazo which will be a physical departure, to a spiritual departure. 

This is a serious twist of scripture to address their unhappiness of the Protestant reformation. 

But they aren’t they only ones who have twisted the original text. Many others have done similar. Another example is in Revelation 7:14. The original text says that The massive innumerable group from every nation and tribe that comes out of(Raptured), the Tribulation will be spared the rest of Gods wrath. Since the 6th seal is the start of Gods wrath as proclaimed in the passage itself, they are not going through the testing period known as the great tribulation, as some have claimed, but instead have come out before its start. 

Theses are two important omissions, that have shaped some peoples beliefs , so then they have also had to change other parts of the Bible to suit their new twisted doctrines. This has had profound implications on many who have fallen away from the true faith. The Catholic church is not the original church, and the disciples weren’t Catholic. And Peter never claimed to be the pope or any pope at all. 

The original Church simply called themselves Christians or Christ followers. The denominations which followed, now too many to count are man made religions and most have strayed from original truth. Even today some that call themselves “full gospel” really aren’t. They no longer preach and teach of the Lords soon return. Instead they are fearing what man might think instead of what God already proclaimed. 

The reality today is, very few So called Christians are truly full gospel. Instead they are believing their own man made teachings, so the result is more leaving the faith all the time. But this too was prophesied and why the return of Jesus is now sooner than ever. 2021, is certainly and finally the year  more likely than ever to see the beginning of the end. 

But God is merciful. He is still looking to save as many as possible not only now, but even past the Rapture event and to the end of his wrath.

God Bless all, 

Craig O.