Bob Ware (2 May 2021)
"On the 6th of Sivan the Torah was given to Moses, King David died, Enoch was born and then taken (6th of Sivan 5781 = 17th of May 2021)"

On the 6th of Sivan in 1313 BCE the Torah was given to Moses at Mount Sinai and thus observed as the holiday of Shavuot.


Enoch was born on the 6th of Sivan and he was taken (raptured) by God 365 years later on the 6th of Sivan – Genesis 5:24 “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.”


King David passed away on the 6th of Sivan of the year 837 BCE at the age of 70.


The 6th of Sivan begins at sunset on the 16th of May 2021 and ends at sunset on the 17th of May 2021 (07:30 PM). From the 6th of Sivan there are 113 inclusive days remaining in 5781.


From Israel’s rebirth on the 14th of May 1948 to the last day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 24,978 days. 24,978 is the sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers.


From Israel’s rebirth on the 14th of May 1948 to the 17th of May 2021 will be 26,666 days. 26,666 minus 24,978 equals the 1688 Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS’ (800 + 888).


In my attached diagram the larger upper circle has a diameter of 1480 which is the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’. The smaller circle centered at the bottom of this ‘CHRIST’ circle has a circumference equal to the 2368 Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. Each unit of measurement in this diagram represents the passing of one day.


I was led by the Holy Spirit to number the last days for the Body of Christ from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (22 December 1999). 5760 plus 2368 equals the fourth perfect number 8128. 8128 is the 127th triangle number. 17 May 2021 falls 127 days past the 180 degree point around the circumference of the ‘JESUS CHRIST’ circle (10 January 2021). The last date around this ‘JESUS CHRIST’ circle will be the 8th of April 2024 when the second total solar eclipse completes the giant ‘X’ across the United States. The first total solar eclipse in this ‘X’ across the United States occurred on 21 August 2017.


I started counting off the last days around the circumference of the ‘CHRIST’ circle from the top of the circle. The 4650th day completed the circumference on 13 September 2012. From 13 September 2012 to 17 May 2021 (the 6th of Sivan) will be 3168 days. 3168 is the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’.


From when ‘Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9’ pieces began striking Jupiter on 16 July 1994 to 17 May 2021 will be 13 x 754 days. 754 is the Hebrew gematria of ‘Yehoshua HaMeshiach’. The Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368) divided by Pi rounds off to 754. Seven Breastplate tribe name gematrias total 2368. The remaining five tribe name gematrias total 1332 (2 x 666). It will be 1332 days from the Revelation 12 sign on 23 September 2017 to 17 May 2021. The planets formed a Star of David pattern around the Sun on 23 January 1997. From that day to 17 May 2021 will be 10 x 888 days.

17 May 2021 6 Sivan 5781 Christ and Jesus Christ circles.jpg