A Goodrick (2 May 2021)
"Quebec bans religious symbols"

John and Doves,

Canada wants no religious symbols expressed in public. They refer to this restriction as "laicity", meaning the secularization of the country. 

Muslims are forbidden to wear Moslem clothing
Christians cannot wear crosses or T-shirts that represent Christianity, and Jewish people cannot wear kippahs ect. 

What next? No crosses on Churches??  no Bibles allowed?

The Book of Jude refers to this secularization in 
Jude 14 and 15 ( a prophecy of Enoch)...
The Lord will come "to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all, that are *ungodly* among them of all their *ungodly* deeds which they have *ungodly* committed , and of all their hard speeches which *ungodly* sinners  have spoken against Him "

Those who oppose this rule site the fact that the ruling is because of xenophobia, since immigrants come from countries which respect

I can't wait for the Rapture.
Maranatha !!